308 reloading

It really depends more on the range, hunting style, and POI preferences. So how far you'll shoot, if you like shoulder shots or perfect broadside in the crease, double exit or dump all energy inside, ete. Anywhere from 125 gr BT's to 168 gr will work on deer. Between the 150 AB and the 165 AB I'd say which one shoots the most accurately through your rifle and run with it. I prefer the Paritition line simply because it fouls less. but the 165 AB killed my buck just fine.
This rifle will be used for mountain hunting where most shots will honestly be 100 yards and in these mountain that I hunt are all wooded and you shots will be close. Most of my shots now are behind shoulders I use to be that guy that like breaking front shoulders and not have to track but I loose alot of meat so now I don't mind tracking just like to have complete pass threw and great blood trails. I was in a accident about 5 years ago tramatic brain injury and lost alot of sight in my left eye so small blood trail makes it hard on me finding blood
I am wanting to work a deer hunting round for my 308 I'm thinking 150gr or 165gr accubond. Has anyone loaded either one and if so what would you recommend between the 2? I can't make my mind up which one to go with.
Accubond shouldnt be needed with a 308 on deer.

I've had phenomenal results with 165gr ballistic tips though in nearly 5 different rifles. Easy to load/tune, and absolutely decimates deer. 150grs caused much more dramatic internal damage on deer but I had some issues with not getting complete pass throughs on some closer in shots that completely went away when I stepped up to the 165gr.
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I've taken a couple elk with the 165 Accubond out of my .308. I was happy with the terminal performance. They also shoot very well in my opinion. I've loaded them in a couple 308's and 30-06's as well. Not my first choice for deer though.
I am wanting to work a deer hunting round for my 308 I'm thinking 150gr or 165gr accubond. Has anyone loaded either one and if so what would you recommend between the 2? I can't make my mind up which one to go with.
I worked up a load with the 150 Accubonds for my BIL 2 seasons ago. He nailed his biggest buck to date with the loads.

47.0 gr RL15 shot a 5/8" x 3/8" @ 100yds for 6 shots. I never clocked the load so do not know the speeds.

0.030" jump gave the best accuracy.

Don't start at 47.0 with the 150s. Start at maybe 45.0 and work up. The 47.0 is one gr. over Nosler's max.
I am wanting to work a deer hunting round for my 308 I'm thinking 150gr or 165gr accubond. Has anyone loaded either one and if so what would you recommend between the 2? I can't make my mind up which one to go with.
I haven't used Accubonds in my 308. If you are wanting pass thro the 165s will do that for sure at your range. I use 150 gr. SSTs in my rifles and only had one out of 10 or so not exit. Most dropped right where they stood. The Accubonds work great on my 7mm tho.
Thanks for all the info guys I found some bullets this morning but by the time I got there they done sold them all so keep posting some good info you guys and you all will have me buying all kinds different bullets to try 😀
If you have any IMR 4320, don't hesitate to use it with the Accubonds. It also gives some very accurate loads. But, the 308 Win is very easy to load for.

If you haven't done so, check now and again at Shootersproshop.com for all Nosler products, both blems and over runs.

There is nothing at all wrong with the blems.
If you have any IMR 4320, don't hesitate to use it with the Accubonds. It also gives some very accurate loads. But, the 308 Win is very easy to load for.

If you haven't done so, check now and again at Shootersproshop.com for all Nosler products, both blems and over runs.

There is nothing at all wrong with the blems.
yea i get alot of my bullets there if i dont want to drive a hour to local shop
I am wanting to work a deer hunting round for my 308 I'm thinking 150gr or 165gr accubond. Has anyone loaded either one and if so what would you recommend between the 2? I can't make my mind up which one to go with.
I don't shoot a 308 but I reload for a friend of mine. The load he has shot the last decade is imr 4064 with 168 gr Amax.
he has killed a truck loadS of deer from south Georiga to Ohio with it.
All good advice, Sierra Game Kings are less expensive than most, work amazingly well on deer and are typically very accurate. In thick woods, close range (around 100 or less) I would strongly consider a heavier bullet with a little less speed. 175 or 180. I shoot 175 in my Remington PSS which is a 1-12 twist and they are very accurate. Most hunting 308s are 1-10 twist which would handle a heavier bullet even better. The 190 Accubond will run around 2600 even though you don't need a max load so somewhere around 2500 may be a little more accurate, less recoil and provide all the punch you would ever need. A little less potential deflection should you nick a twig and likely less damage to meat. In your stated environment and range a 30-30 would be hard to beat. 160 LeverRevolution are really good in your application
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