300WM v 7mm RM in Browning BLR

I had 2 BAR rifles in 300WM & 338WM prior to 1996 when our semi-autos were stolen from us.
If they shoot with similar accuracy to these, I would suggest the 7mm for less recoil. I am by no means a fan of the 7RM, hold it in the same regard as a 243 Turdchester, yet the 300WM in those rifles will most likely boot quite a bit. Mine certainly did…
Choose which one you like best, I have only the above to consider really, they both will do the same job.

As far as the 7mag goes is there anything better really.you can manage recoil they shoot all bullets good pack a punch and in the hands of a good shooter will knock down just about anything.i have dropped moose many times with mine with one shot at close and long range.ontario canada.
Here is my take on all three of your rifles. If I "had" to choose between the 300 WinMag of the 7mm RemMag for you particular purpose I would choose the 7mm RemMag over the 300 WinMag just because of the recoil factor and then the 7mm RemMag due to the availability of the of ammunition. But this is not the case for all three of your rifles in their particular cartridges. Now....my thoughts are that the .308 Winchester ought to work fine for the particular application you are intending to use it for. I have never boar hunted before, however black bear hunted instead. Black bear too are not as easy as some would portray them to be. Barnes Vortex makes a great .308 WInchester load, a 168gr TTSX bullet traveling 2700fps and it has 2720 foot pounds of muzzle energy at the muzzle. With a 100 yard zero the bullet is still traveling @ 2500 fps and still is carrying 2357 foot pounds of muzzle energy. And at 200 yards that same bullet is still traveling at 2330fps and carrying a muzzle energy of 2000 foot pounds, "WITH" a 4 inch drop!! Now...... if you really would like to add another rifle to the safe, perhaps take a close look at the BLR in .358 Winchester. This cartridge is a powerhouse stacked in a small package, and is an often overlooked cartridge with some misleading information about it being a heavy kicking, "brush busting" cartridge. I can bang steel plates with conviction out to 300 yards consistently. I have an older BLR in .358 Winchester and find it to be a great rifle out to 200 yards all day long. Barnes Vortex makes a 225gr TSX (monolithic) bullet leaving the muzzle at 2700fps with a muzzle energy of 3140 foot pounds. With a 100 yard zero the bullet drops 5 inches in 200 yards, is still traveling at 2100 fps and the bullet still has 2200 foot pounds of muzzle energy. If you are a reloader you can even make this cartridge an even better round using the Barnes 200gr TTSX. When you mentioned "ole fart", that raised a flag for me, as I too fit into that category with a close number of 78 orbits around the sun!! Recoil is a factor when selecting a cartridge, but as of late.....weight has become an even greater variable in the hunting equation. With the BLR in the short action cartridge vs. the BLR in the magnum cartridges, there certainly is a difference in weights and in lengths. Of the three rifles that you have my first choice would be the .308 Winchester, then the 7mm RemMag and then the 300 WinMag. Good luck with your hunt and please follow up with some photos and what your choice of cartridges are.
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For hunting pigs at up to 200 meters?
I'd stay with the .308 which is a nice package in the BLR.

When I reviewed the long action BLR's, I wasn't impressed with the larger clumsy profile which takes away from the manouverability of the carbine BLR design.

I have killed a lot of pigs using .223 to .460 Weatherby and a bunch in between. They are bullet dependent, not cartridge dependent, meaning relatively easy to kill. Shot placemrnt as usual being the most important factor.

If you have s .308 and a fixed income, stay with what you have you are already well equipped.
I'm in a bit of a fix, beating myself up over which to choose, BLR in 300wm or 7mm rm, it won't really be for LRH more short range driven boar in Europe.
Both guns are used and both very affordable to an old fart on a fixed income.
I shan't be reloading so it's factory ammo. I have one BLR 81 in 308 and I love it to bits but need a little more oomph as my next hunt is in Turkey and the boars there reach prodigious sizes.
I have a little experience of the 300 winmag and have shot a group with a rem 7 mag but they were both bolt guns with a huge scope mounted, I'll be using a zeiss 1.5x6 by 42 scope as maximum range will only be 200 meters or so, stretching a 308 but withing the capabilities of the 7mm and 300wm,
Choice will be dictated by a combination of recoil, weight, can I get ammo in Turkey and a big splash of personal preference. TBH I'm leaning toward the 300wm for no other reason than I got ****ed off with the 7mm rm cal for just about killing off the 264 wm which was my favorite back in the day.
Am I leaning the right way? FWIW, other cals are not open to me as to get a variation on my firearms permit takes months.
Oh and monolithic bullets are more or less mandatory.
I need to sort this PDQ before Israel v Iran boils over.
As several have said, the 308 will be fine. I have a BLR-81 in 308, a 300 WSM X-bolt, and a 7mm Rem in a Browning Mark III. When my son and I went for boar in Tennessee this past summer I took the 7mm and took a 500 pounder with one shot. He never knew what hit him.