I've used WW a good bit and it seems to vary in quality from bag to bag. The latest bag I got was junk, however previous lots were very good, shot very well.
I recently got a box of Nosler Custom (which is made by Norma) and my first impressions are very good. From a bag of 50 WW I usually end up keeping 30-35 pieces, with the Nosler I only discarded about 5 of the 50 pieces (based on concentricity). It is a little more expensive though.
Just like anything, you pay for what you get. WW is cheaper and will do the job, but they require alot more case prep. Also, I'm only getting about 6-7 loadings on the WW before the primer pockets loosen up. Haven't shot the Nosler but once so far, so I can't comment on their case life.