300 Win Mag shoulder growth

I am not and have not mentioned anything about the case after the first firing, only about the first firing and all the MYTHS about case stretching, it never happens…

Maybe I miss read it but somewhere on one of your posts you were adamant about headspacing is off the belt on belted magnums and that it doesn't cause case head separation you did not mention you size off the shoulder after that.

So I assumed ( I know bad thing to do ) that you resized to the belt all the time and that you were claiming that wouldn't cause case head separation.
You want proof that the case doesn't stretch UNLESS the handloader does it. Here it is, this case (ww-super) was fired 10 times with minimal sizing. Where is the stretching…
Case head separation has ONE CAUSE, no matter the case design, and that is EXCESSIVE HEADSPACE CAUSED BY BUMPING THE SHOULDER TOO MUCH.
I totally agree with you now realizing everything you think pertaining to the issue.

Sorry for the confusion. I was wrong for assuming.