300 Weatherby Mark 5 action build

I had a 270 Weatherby With a Mark V action. I turned mine into a 28 Nosler. Put a Shilen barrel on it and love it.

Shoots great too!


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I just rebarreled to a 270 weatherby and had the freebore removed. Had barrel stamped 270 Coues. No special dies needed. Use 264 win mag data and work up. Just got the barrel broke in so will start shooting for groups soon.
Let me make your life simpler, my wife's life less stressful, and my life better! My wife needs an idea for what to get me for my birthday, and that shot-out rifle would be a GREAT idea for her. If she was to know she could buy it reasonably, I know her life would be less stressful as she wouldn't be stressing over what to do for my birthday. As for me, I would like to build a carbon barreled .300 Weatherby or .340 Weatherby. I see a plan coming together!
Currently have a 300 rum, 7mm, and 338 win. Jus
Let me make your life simpler, my wife's life less stressful, and my life better! My wife needs an idea for what to get me for my birthday, and that shot-out rifle would be a GREAT idea for her. If she was to know she could buy it reasonably, I know her life would be less stressful as she wouldn't be stressing over what to do for my birthday. As for me, I would like to build a carbon barreled .300 Weatherby or .340 Weatherby. I see a plan coming together!
your wife might be a good woman
Currently debating on what to do with this rifle. I have a 300 weatherby in a mark 5 action, and obviously the barrel Is done, unless you consider 2 inch groups with factory ammo and hand loads a sweet shooter. Due to personal morals I dont want to just sell it to someone and waste their money. Looking for ideas as a direction to go with re barreling into a different caliber. And it will not go back to a 300 weatherby. Dont really want it due to my love affair with the 300 Rum. Looking for ideas for a new build around the Mark 5 action.
Why not the 6.5-300 Weatherby? I pulled off a very accurate 300 barrel to make mine and have no regrets. I also have a 300 RUM.
What did you use for a follower, or did you modify the original?

To my knowledge no mods were needed on the bolt. I did have to change the bottom metal to accommodate the larger size cases. So we used the next size up in (340) Weatherby bottom metal. Feeds with no issues.
Rich Reilly at Hi Tech Customs in Colorado Springs can work wonders with the Weatherby Action. He might be able to lead you in the right direction. His # is [HIDDEN]. He put a Lilja Match barrel on my Wby Mk V .340, and it shoots Barnes 225 TTSX into little bitty groups. His muzzle brake is really something too, makes the .340 a pleasure to shoot.
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