300 rum options

no issue with feeding seeing as I roll my long range guns as single shots.

I don't have a 300 rum but a wildcat based on the casing and I was thinking once my barrel burns out if I don't go with the same wildcat I would drop down in case capacity a little and then I would be able to keep with the same components seeing as I have a stalking gun chambered in 300 win.
And the next thread will be, "Help! The cartridges won't feed/stay in the magazine!". I don't believe I've converted a rifle from 300RUM to 300 Win. Mag. , but I've done quit a few the other way around. Going from Win Mag (or 7mm Rem Mag) to 300RUM has always required a bit of work to the feed rails and ramp, and a bit of tweaking to the mag box lips (on a 700). With the availability of new Rem 700 actions, I've noticed there's a seperate magnum action listed as an "Ultra Mag" action. There's a difference somewhere. I'd suspect in the feed related areas. I can tweak the lips on a mag box, but there's not much I can do if the feed rails and/or feed ramp are too wide. As for questions about bolt face diameters, JEs' sticky is a very good one, and if ya' need more in formation the Sporting Arms & Ammunition Manufactures web site should be consulted where industry standards and tolerances to be found. Da*%! Heres another link: www.saami.org This is the "final word". It supersedes any dimentions found in loading manuals for industry standard cartridges (not wildcats).

I do take the time and try to find already existing threads on questions that I have, came across this thread.
I re-barreled an older model 700 7mm mag with a 300rum take off to see if I would even like the caliber, what a cartridge it shoots great. So my question is, what would your preference be of either reworking feed rail, just how much is involved? or just buy an ultra mag action. I do understand cost factors and such would be an influence. The action I have is the old flat safety model. How do the new action compare.
Thanks John P.:cool:
The new CNC made actions seem to be much 'straighter' than the pre-CNC manufactured actions. The UMs use a different mag box than the .300 Win. Mag. or the 7mm Rem. Mag. I believe the follower is the same. Tweeking feed rails and ramp would be in the neighborhood of an hours time,,, maybe less. A bit of careful work with a file and then a bit of polishing 'till she feeds 'slick'. I've yet to meet a 700 that couldn't stand the feed cycle to be slicked up a bit.
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