30-28 Nosler Testing


Official LRH Sponsor
Oct 8, 2009
Waucoma, IA
Well I did some testing with my 30-28 nosler and 230 bergers @ .020 off. I used h1000. Ill put rifle specs in the next post. I did a ladder test at 580 yds. I got a slight bolt click at the 84 and 84.5 gr charges. I then loaded up 6 rounds of 83.2 gr to shoot at my 580 yd target The first group had 1/2" vertical and was 1.298" wide. I adjusted the scope and shot another 3 round group. It was 1/2" vertical and measured .872"/.143 moa. The vertical for both groups was .082 moa. Average velocity for the 2 groups was 2965 fps and a SD of 7 fps for 6 shots. Primer pockets were still tight. They have a very faint ejector mark. Not enough to worry about.


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Heres the rifle.
Kelbly Atlas action
Manners EH1
Proof Research 26" 9.0 tw sendero
Triggertech Diamond at 12 oz
Hawkins BDL
Wyatts Centerfeed
Kahles K1050 bedded into a set of NF rings

Side note: I use the Kahles 10-50 for load testing on all my rifles. Ill now put the NF NX8 4-32 MIL-C reticle scope on this one. The reticle is very similar to my ZCO scopes with mpct1 reticle on the other rifles.


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I also have a load with 215 bergers that shoots lights out.
Heres a 4 shot group at 580 yds that measured .945. Had .549"/.090 moa vertical at 580 yds.

The group on steel was 1.5" at 950 yds.

Although with my throat configuration the 230 is more optimal in my opinion. The 230 has wider seating depth windows because of it. The 215 sits a ways out in the neck and is picky on seating depth.


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The vertical looks really good, if you dont mind me asking Ryan what primer you use?
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