30-06 ackley?

" Velocity gain was much higher with the heavier 180-200gr bullets. "

Yes. Larger capacity always goes to the heavier bullets, never to lighter ones but the very slightly "improved" performance with the 180s or 200s would be irrelivant in the field, IMHO.

The "cool factor" has no attraction to me and I don't know anyone who would be impressed even with a .30 Gibbs. My friends are more likely to say, "***, why did you do that?" Then what could I say? :D

But, different folks, different strokes. We all do it our way and have fun.
Steve, Your rifle sounds like mine. I went light weight with a kevlar/carbon stock. With sling and loaded it weighs just under 7 pounds.

Boomtube....I'd have new friends!!

Brother its a tough choice because you won't get much more velocity, and the fact is there is a small chance it could get screwed up...VERY SMALL. I always wanted an ackley so it was easy.

You could also go with one of the beltless magnums..say the .300RUM. More money to convert, but you get alot more. Good luck with your decision.

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