2nd Annual 307 Speed Goat Hunt ... 6.5 SAUM Style


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2007
Buffalo, Wyoming
Our 2nd annual Wyoming speed goat hunt was a lot of fun and successful for all !

Pat, George and Francis all got great bucks and we had a lot of fun on the hunt.

First day out, my son, Tyler, and Cinch came along for extra eyes and help hauling critters in the mud. George and Francis tagged bucks the first day and Pat on the morning of the second day. The 6.5 SAUM's really performed incredible shooting the 130 Bergers and the 139 Scenars.

George with the Extreme Hunter #1 in 6.5 SAUM


Francis shooting 6.5 SAUM #1


Pat with his Extreme Hunter #2 in 6.5 SAUM


George at 1268 yards, 1st round hit. 6.5 SAUM Xtreme Hunter

The 3 Amigos with Extreme Hunters 1,2 and 3
I saw you said 139 grain lapua scenars. How did they perform on game. I am curious because I shoot them out of my 260 comp gun and was wanting to maybe bring it on a long range antelope and deer hunt next year in Wyoming. Curious how they performed. Thanks. By the way congrats on the hunt. Looks like u guys had fun.
Thanks for sharing.

I've been following the 6.5 SAUM thread on the Hide for quite some time and you guys are killing me! I am very impressed with how that gun/cartridge turned out and agree that it may be about the perfect gun, especially for what I do! In fact I re-read the whole 6.5 SAUM thread last night just to tempt myself and put myself through extreme amounts of pain! I want one, I need one, I gotta have one! :D

Glad to see the great on game reports. Would also love to see and hear reports of the specifics of the on game performance with the bullets you guys used.

Scot E.
Both bullets used performed great. Golf ball sized exit holes.

It was a great hunt and the 6.5 proved itself with ease :)

It is just stupid accurate and a true wind cheater !
I thought I had asked this when you first posted the rifle but why the SAUM and not the WSM?

better case design for the platform it was designed for.

longer neck
shorter case

Here is a quote from George at GAP...

"Powder Burning does not cause the heat that destroys barrels its the Pressure. The Pressure causes the extreme heat that's necessary to burn and heatcheck the barrel. Kinda like how they make carbon turn to diamond's Pressure.

Anyway the 6.5 Saum case is near perfect because it allows you to throw a 6.5 140gr at 3100 at about 53,000 PSI with H1000. Other cases have too much capacity or not enough. The Saum case was picked not because its magical , because it is the perfect fit. In a perfect world I would take the the RCM case and shorten it a tad and give it a longer neck. That would truly be perfect!!!!

At any rate the 6.5 Saum is working as we thought it would. Here is a thought to those that are still having problems understanding it. Shoot next to a 6mm REM, 243 ETC, any caliber that has a 63,000-68,000 PSI SAMI pressure. as soon as the rifle is fired eject the case into you hands. Those of you that have had a 223 brass land on you or go down your shirt know what will happen, it will burn the crap out of you. The 6.5 Saum with the load im talking about with come out only very warm and you can grasp it tightly with your hand without getting burned. Keeping chamber pressures low not only keeps your barrel from puking early its also easy on your rifle and the components , IE Brass lasts a long time!!

Yes if you hot rod this caliber IE a load of 60.5 grains 4831 SC and the 130VLD at 3400fps you will be pushing 68,000 PSI and toast the barrel in 600-800 rounds.

But the same goes to the guys trying to take the 260 Rem and shoot the 140's at 3000 they are at or near 68,000 PSI and will also toast their barrels early."
So are you using the 140's or the 130's and 139's? Very interested in knowing the bullet, MV and terminal velocity of the 1268 yd shot as well as a description of the terminal performance. Also a description of terminal performance on any close shots. I've got a 6.5 WSM and a box of the 140 hunters and would like to get as much info as possible.

Thanks and congrats on what looks like a terrific hunt!
An acquaintance broke his new GAP 6.5 SAUM Precision Extreme Hunter at the range the other day and it performed spectacularly out of the box. Within a few rounds down and tube cleanings in between, they were all going into 1 hole @100. Impressive ballistics on the cartridge. Relatively low recoil with a break. It will be interesting to see if it goes mainstream. I want one.
An acquaintance broke his new GAP 6.5 SAUM Precision Extreme Hunter at the range the other day and it performed spectacularly out of the box. Within a few rounds down and tube cleanings in between, they were all going into 1 hole @100. Impressive ballistics on the cartridge. Relatively low recoil with a break. It will be interesting to see if it goes mainstream. I want one.

There's no reason it shouldn't go mainstream. Time will tell I guess. With the amount of testing the 'Hide shooter have posted the writing is on the wall. The bore life is the most impressive part & with low pressure brass life will be awesome (thank god).

From what i'm reading, the 6.5SS & 6.5SAUM are nearly as potent as the 6.5WSM & will actually function thru a short action; something the WSM, IMHO, really doesn't do very well without sacrificing case capacity.

better case design for the platform it was designed for.

longer neck
shorter case

Here is a quote from George at GAP...

"Powder Burning does not cause the heat that destroys barrels its the Pressure. The Pressure causes the extreme heat that's necessary to burn and heatcheck the barrel. Kinda like how they make carbon turn to diamond's Pressure.

Anyway the 6.5 Saum case is near perfect because it allows you to throw a 6.5 140gr at 3100 at about 53,000 PSI with H1000. Other cases have too much capacity or not enough. The Saum case was picked not because its magical , because it is the perfect fit. In a perfect world I would take the the RCM case and shorten it a tad and give it a longer neck. That would truly be perfect!!!!

At any rate the 6.5 Saum is working as we thought it would. Here is a thought to those that are still having problems understanding it. Shoot next to a 6mm REM, 243 ETC, any caliber that has a 63,000-68,000 PSI SAMI pressure. as soon as the rifle is fired eject the case into you hands. Those of you that have had a 223 brass land on you or go down your shirt know what will happen, it will burn the crap out of you. The 6.5 Saum with the load im talking about with come out only very warm and you can grasp it tightly with your hand without getting burned. Keeping chamber pressures low not only keeps your barrel from puking early its also easy on your rifle and the components , IE Brass lasts a long time!!

Yes if you hot rod this caliber IE a load of 60.5 grains 4831 SC and the 130VLD at 3400fps you will be pushing 68,000 PSI and toast the barrel in 600-800 rounds.

But the same goes to the guys trying to take the 260 Rem and shoot the 140's at 3000 they are at or near 68,000 PSI and will also toast their barrels early."
This is the exact details I read from George about 5 years ago. I had a 6.5saum built and use 60grs of h1000 on 140 bergers. The brass temp is exactly as he said. I wouldn't take a gold monkey for this rifle and have George to thank for it.
I even learned to reload so I could have ammo for this gun. 28" krieger 1:8 twist, defiance deviant action, jewell trigger, McMillan game scout stock, and noghtforce atacr scope.
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