2F or 3F for 54 cal muzzle loader

I forgot about Triple Seven. I shoot the Pyrodex pellets out of my inline because they can be used in WV, and plain old Goex black powder in my flintlock for PA hunting and in my Civil War rifles and carbines because no black powder substitutes can be used in N-SSA competition, which I compete in. I don't worry about how dirty any of the powders are because my rifles are always cleaned immediately after I'm finished with them and they are thoroughly cleaned. If you take your time and do it right, you'll never ruin a muzzle loader barrel and it will continue to shoot accurately and work just as well as the first time, sometimes even better.
Um, close but vise versa:D 3f is the finer powder and you can use either in a 50 cal. Most would say reduce your 2f loads by 15 % when shooting 3f.

I have come to like 3f in my 54. I shoot triple 7 and believe I get a more complete and consistant burn of the powder, plus if you season your barrel with borebutter before you shoot it , ive found cleanup is a breeze.

my bag your right.
I had both 50 cal and 54 cal cut patch, round ball guns and used ( at times) BOTH 2f and 3 F powders With a 50 cal you can get by with 3 but a 54 you have to try it...sometimes ya can...sometimes "no way"

The 54 was my pride and joy...:D. Took me 6 months to build and the only power tool used was a drill for the side plug on a percussion gun. A 34" half stock with iron hardware 1 1/16 across the flats Green River barrel. With 115 gr of 3F powder and hand cast .526 round balls and patched TITE....at 125 yards it would shoot 6" groups. After 3 shots I had to switch to .520 balls using the same patch material because the barrel would get powdered up pretty good.

50 is good on deer....54 is MUCHO better!
Off topic but for those using black power(Goex) I ran across a cleaning formula about 20 years ago that ended the cleaning agony with my front stutters. 3 parts rubbing alcohol, 3 parts Peroxide( basic stuff bought in the pharmacy), and 2 parts Murphy's oil soap. Plug the flash hole or nipple, pour about 2oz down the barrel, put yor thumb over the muzzle and swish it up and down the barrel a couple of times, let sit for s couple of minutes, pour out, dry the bore with clean patches, lube, done. No barrel damage what so ever. Totally clean. Total cleaning time, under 10 minutes. Store solution in a brown(no light) container.
You need a better lube. I've never had that problem before.

I tried them all and finally came back to a "home brew" that works perfectly. Problem is in the ball fit and patch thickness....those plus you can only buy barrels i certain increments.

How many times YOU ever had 3 shots or more at a deer...using the same charcoal burner??? I sure never did have
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