Interesting, I've had some velocity issues with my .280ai. Never had any issues before I bought a Chronograph.
The .289ai is my first build and I ended up with a chronograph so I found the ES to be nearing 90fps.
I partly blame neck tension.
I'm hoping aee FCD might help a consistent let off as the powder ingnites. That's the theory but it all happen s so fast.
Second time testing velocity spread closed a little and groups are OK.
I've read the velocity might increase a little with a hundred rounds wear on the tube.
Is that because it's a sweet looking cartridge or because it's simply Sh
t Hot?
I'm not sure what the allure was but some fellas I met through forums who planted the idea of various 7mm cartridges.
I have a Tikka CTR 7mm-08 and it's proven itself as a truck gun. I used a 7mmRm in South Africa.
Speaking to a fella was an armourer who said he had been hunting with the .280ai for years.
He sent me a couple of cases and a dummy round , well I found myself fondly fondling the dummy round each time I sat down.
As many proud .280ai owners know it has pretty good performance for case capacity showing good ballistics results for its class.
And the case looks cool.