280AI and 168gr VLD loads

Im in the high 50s with RL 23 and the 168 vld jammed .020". Velocity 2980 in 24". CCI250. Groups average 2" for 3 shots at 600. 2 elk this year, 2 shots. Lungs turned into hamburger. The bullets did not exit, I take lung shots, but if I was a shoulder shooter I would probably want a tougher bullet from what I have seen.
Im in the high 50s with RL 23 and the 168 vld jammed .020". Velocity 2980 in 24". CCI250. Groups average 2" for 3 shots at 600. 2 elk this year, 2 shots. Lungs turned into hamburger. The bullets did not exit, I take lung shots, but if I was a shoulder shooter I would probably want a tougher bullet from what I have seen.
I am going to be using this on deer primarily. I have a hunt in Kansas in a month and if I can get the load done I'll use this, if not either a 6.5cr or 28 Nosler. Will be going for lung shots, especially as I could take shots as short as 100.
I have a custom Rem 700 with a 26" 1:9 Hart match grade barrel. 59.0 grains of Reloader 23 CCI 250 primers in Nosler brass with the 168 vld-h bullet. 2980 fps. OAL 3.445 shoots under 0.5 MOA out to 1000 yds. OBL 2.695 if using comparator. Good luck!
Just to close the loop for anyone who may find the info helpful, I finished with 61.4 of N560 .020 off the lands at about 3020 with No signs of pressure. Disclaimer: just bc it worked in my gun doesn't mean it will work in yours and you should work up to this load.

After load development I got to have some fun yesterday and shoot to validate drops. Took it out to 1250 and matched actual dialing to what is programmed in the BR2. This will be my go to for my Kansas deer hunt in a few weeks.
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