Well-Known Member
Can't fiqure out why a new Kimber rifle ,( 270 wsm) will not shoot a decent group. Shoots at 2-3 high, which is good, but it shoot a group from left to right every time. From 1.75 inches left to 1.75 inches to the right, a five shot group. Third shot is always at 12.oclock , 3 inches high is what I want. Just can't remember why the shots string out horizontally. Barrel is free floating.
Can't fiqure out why a new Kimber rifle ,( 270 wsm) will not shoot a decent group. Shoots at 2-3 high, which is good, but it shoot a group from left to right every time. From 1.75 inches left to 1.75 inches to the right, a five shot group. Third shot is always at 12.oclock , 3 inches high is what I want. Just can't remember why the shots string out horizontally. Barrel is free floating.