.270 winchester

I'm shooting 130gr accubonds with 59gr of H4831SC. I'm consitantly under 1" and 5 in about 0.6" if I do my part. Not sure of the velocity, no chronograph yet. Nosler's manual says 3100+ with a 24" tube. No pressure signs at all. Seems to do just fine on deer.

I'm curious as how RL-17 does in the 270. I've seen what they report on the website, but I trust reports from guys on here much more.
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I'm shooting 130gr accubonds with 59gr of H4831SC. I'm consitantly under 1" and 5 in about 0.6" if I do my part. Not sure of the velocity, no chronograph yet. Nosler's manual says 3100+ with a 24" tube. No pressure signs at all. Seems to do just fine on deer.

I'm curious as how RL-17 does in the 270. I've seen what they report on the website, but I trust reports from guys on here much more.

RL17 seems to do very well in the WSM and 30-06 cases. It's given me velocities up to 200 fps faster in both my 300 WSM and 25-06 and I've read some good reports in the 30-06 as well. I would think it would do very well in the 270.

Let me add one more powder to the list for the 270 Winchester. For years my go to powder for the 270 Win was H4831. It worked great with 130, 140, and 150 grain bullets, and offered both velocity and accuracy in my Ruger 77. In the last couple of years I have been trying some other powders and I have found that some of them work very well. My deer load and this moment in my Ruger 77 with and E.R. Shaw barrel is a 130 grain Hornady SP, N165 powder(60.5 grains) in RP cases and WLR primers. This load shoots .5 to .75 three shot groups with excellent ES and 3025 ft/sec out of a 22 inch barrel. By the way this load (60.5) in 1.5 grains below the listed max.

RL-22 shoots 130 Barnes TSX bullets very well in my gun. Great velocity(3075 ft/sec) and very good accuracy. It seem that many different powders work well in the 270 Win. . You need to find the one that works well in your gun.
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