270 Win ?

Ha. I had to stir the pot a little. LOL

I like the .277,,, it got left behind like the 25/06 and the 6.5 A-square... Well not really left behind...

There was a thread on LLRH&S forum a few years back of a fellow that made a long barrel 270 Winchester,,, dang that thing looked good...

My 2nd Remmy LR in 30/06 will need a new pipe in a few years,,, maybe a .277 idea might sink in by then...

Cheers from the North
The question is, if you already have a 30-06 and a 6.5 creedmoor where does the 270 fit in. Rifle would be used for whitetail, woodchucks and coyote since we have all three in abundance on our farm. In a trade that i made i acquired a bunch of 270 ammunition and was thinking i now need to buy a rifle in 270, you know because that would be way smarter than just selling the ammo.
Absolutely love the 270 Win. Have killed more deer with it than any other rifle I own. 130 Gr Berger Classic Hunting bullet make the gun sing. As others have said here it is often overlooked but it truly is a great cartridge. Read Jack O'Conner sometime, he was a great perponent of the venerable 270 Win. I have jumped on the 6.5 Creedmoor bandwagon but always go back to my beloved 270 Win.
I have shot a 270 off and on for a long time. I picked up a NIB with the intentions of building a 6.5-06. What the heck, I had some left over ammo from a previous rifle. It acted like it really wanted to shoot. I stepped away from the 130's and went to a 150 fueled by some R26.
Totally changed my thoughts on the cartridge. Book loads run right up real close to 7mag.
Again, this is why I said the 270 is a cartridge that doesn't know it's not a magnum. If you run factory ammo over a chrono this is even more exaggerated. The 7mm rem and 300 win are for some unknown reason loaded very anaemically in factory offerings and the 270, while it can certainly be improved upon with handloads, doesn't seem to suffer so much with this
Never pass up the opportunity to get another caliber. Nothing wrong with having a .270 or 2 is better. I own 6.5 Crd (2 actually), a 30-06, 7mm-08, 3 .243's but no .270. I don't know why though. My brother has one in Ruger 77 and I load ammo for him some. They are all great deer rifles and good enough on bigger game with tuned ammunition. .243 too light for me on the big animals of course. My son killed a 750# Kudu in Africa with 6.5 CRD 120gr bullet 260 yards. I wouldn't take a chance on this again but he hit him perfectly after he got off on the stalk with the wrong gun but he didn't know it was an issue.
Never pass up the opportunity to get another caliber. Nothing wrong with having a .270 or 2 is better. I own 6.5 Crd (2 actually), a 30-06, 7mm-08, 3 .243's but no .270. I don't know why though. My brother has one in Ruger 77 and I load ammo for him some. They are all great deer rifles and good enough on bigger game with tuned ammunition. .243 too light for me on the big animals of course. My son killed a 750# Kudu in Africa with 6.5 CRD 120gr bullet 260 yards. I wouldn't take a chance on this again but he hit him perfectly after he got off on the stalk with the wrong gun but he didn't know it was an issue.

Most people would be better off not knowing any better - i think they would be surprised how well these mid range calibers (.257, .264, .277) kill stuff with premium bullets. I started with a 270 win, went through a big 300+ magnum phase (rum, wby, wsm) ended up realizing with premium bullets they don't kill any better, am back down to a 270wsm and a 6.5 PRC for my big game (Elk, Mule Deer, Moose, bear) guns. Killed just as many if not more animals with the .277s and 6.5 cal rifles.
Thank you all for your input, i knew it wasn't going to take much to sell me on it. The rifle I'm looking at is the 700 CDL SF. Im a sucker for wood and stainless.
I was Looking at a 700 CDL SF in 270!used at big C to go along with my limited edition 270 BAR (Rocky Mtn EF engraved horn in beautiful stock, gold engravings of an elk hunt, etc.) that I bought there new. Shoots sweet, low recoils and < 1 moa. CDL got me into a conversation with a sales guy who pitched a new 7RM savage American Classic (beautiful Monte Carlo walnut, etc) for a ridiculously low price, which I jumped at. (Shoots < .5moa all day. ). Uh, but I wasn't looking for another caliber! Oh well, another rung in the ladder, and the top rung for me. Then came the 6.5. Another rung, this one very close to the 270 BAR. But the 6.5 has a better trigger and bigger scope for LD. So I could "justify" it. Oh wait, I ask myself since my wife is all good with it, to whom do I need to justify it?? All my liberal koolaid drinking nra / gun demonizing friends I guess. But that would be a loosing battle so I don't bother. Go for the stainless CDL they're beautiful rifles and fit and finish is great. Just don't tell your liberal friends.:eek:
Going to throw my two cents in, I've shot almost everything from 17's to 338's. Never liked the 270 much, seen lot's of critters taken with it. Out of all my collection, my 280 Rem is my go to rifle and has never let me down from critters to med- largegame
.270 win is my go to cartridge if I'm not carrying a 300win. And you can find ammo for it in every hardware store when the airline loses your ammo.

Make a cut out for your ammo in your rifle case. You'll notice if it's empty when you pack and if you have the gun you've got the ammo. Always thought this was a silly reason to pick a cartridge.
Yuppers,,, the 270 works fine for what it is,,, same can be said for alot of cartridges in many different calibers...

Grab hunting gear and extras.
Buy gun,,, Mount optic,,, sight it in,,, go hunting... Lifes to short to wait for the next best and greatest... Ha...

Day 28 for me chasing the think skins, hopefully I get to Rattle the Wrapper on a few critters this season.
sell the 6.5 get into reloading , load the 06 down with 150g or lighter bullets and you've outgunned them both , if the need arises for a bigger gun load some 210s or 220g in the 06

If we can believe the Vortex ballistics calculator, then using Federal Fusion 150gr (only round I could find that was "identical", same bullet design and weight, in both calibers) in both calibers produce the following:

Muzzle: 2900fps and 2801ft-lbs
100yds: 2673fps and 2379ft-lbs
200yds: 2458fps and 2012ft-lbs
300yds: 2253fps and 1690ft-lbs
400yds: 2057fps and 1409ft-lbs
500yds: 1872fps and 1167ft-lbs
600yds: 1698fps and 960ft-lbs

Muzzle: 2850fps and 2705ft-lbs
100yds: 2654fps and 2346ft-lbs
200yds: 2467fps and 2027ft-lbs
300yds: 2287fps and 1742ft-lbs
400yds: 2115fps and 1490ft-lbs
500yds: 1950fps and 1266ft-lbs
600yds: 1794fps and 1072ft-lbs

I stopped at 600yds as many have mentioned this threshold as a reasonable max distance for the .270 and I was tired of typing out the list.

From the two tables, we can see that any advantage the '06 has at muzzle is essentially erased by 100yds where the two are almost identical in performance and then the '06 is eclipsed by the .270 for the remainder of the distance presented. I can tell you since I printed out both outputs from Vortex that this trend continues out to 1500yds (where neither is really doing well anyway: '06 is 893fps, 266ft-lbs, and has dropped over 1300"; .270 is 958fps, 306ft-lbs, and has dropped just over 1150").

Really, both calibers are very, very similar in their ballistic performance from muzzle to 1500yds with the edge going to the .270 from 200yds to 1500yds.
I may be the wrong person to ask. I have 3 -243's, 2 - 300 Win Mags, a 30/06, 3 - Ars and 1 bolt 223, 2-9mm Carbines, 2- 30/30 win 1894s, 1- 444 Marlin, 2 - 17HMRs, 3- 10/22s, HK 416D, Ruger 77/22, a Mossberg 22, 1- 220 swift 1-22/250, 1-204, 5- shotguns, amd more I cant think of. 3- 44 mag revolvers, 3- 357 mag revolvers, 6- 9mm handguns, 2- 40 cal handguns, 6- 22 cal handguns. TC contender with a 223 and 45/70 bbls, 3 bows.

My POINT is.. you don't need a reason. Sometimes you just get an itch for something different.
I'll give you an excuse... what happens if either your 06 or 270 breaks just before deer season? You need a back-up! Go with that! :)
If you have a decent '06 or .270 you don't have a good excuse for buying any more centerfire game rifles. And that's the worst that can be said about these two calibers.
If we can believe the Vortex ballistics calculator, then using Federal Fusion 150gr (only round I could find that was "identical", same bullet design and weight, in both calibers) in both calibers produce the following:

Muzzle: 2900fps and 2801ft-lbs
100yds: 2673fps and 2379ft-lbs
200yds: 2458fps and 2012ft-lbs
300yds: 2253fps and 1690ft-lbs
400yds: 2057fps and 1409ft-lbs
500yds: 1872fps and 1167ft-lbs
600yds: 1698fps and 960ft-lbs

Muzzle: 2850fps and 2705ft-lbs
100yds: 2654fps and 2346ft-lbs
200yds: 2467fps and 2027ft-lbs
300yds: 2287fps and 1742ft-lbs
400yds: 2115fps and 1490ft-lbs
500yds: 1950fps and 1266ft-lbs
600yds: 1794fps and 1072ft-lbs

I stopped at 600yds as many have mentioned this threshold as a reasonable max distance for the .270 and I was tired of typing out the list.

From the two tables, we can see that any advantage the '06 has at muzzle is essentially erased by 100yds where the two are almost identical in performance and then the '06 is eclipsed by the .270 for the remainder of the distance presented. I can tell you since I printed out both outputs from Vortex that this trend continues out to 1500yds (where neither is really doing well anyway: '06 is 893fps, 266ft-lbs, and has dropped over 1300"; .270 is 958fps, 306ft-lbs, and has dropped just over 1150").Really, both calibers are very, very similar in their ballistic performance from muzzle to 1500yds with the edge going to the .270 from 200yds to 1500yds.
Run the same chart with the 30-06 and 180 grain bullets at 2770fps, which is what I get from my 24 inch barrel. Or run it with handloads using Superformance and the 180 grain Sierra GK at around 2820fps. And the -06 can push the 150 past 3000fps, which changes this chart quite a bit. It can also push the 165 grain bullet past 2850, which also changes your chart somewhat. Actually, there are several powders which will push the Sierra 165gr. Gameking at 2900 to 2950, and will push a 180 grain bullet to 2800+. I don't use the 150 grain bullet in the 30-06 at all. It shines with the heavier bullets. I also don't even try to shoot the -06 out past about 1100 yards, even in practice. But it does just fine out to around 8 or 900 with 180 grain to 200 grain bullets. I do like the .270, though. Its a good big game round, and works on pretty much everything up to and including elk, with the right bullets.
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