If I remember correctly, 0.001" on the end of a base = about 1 MOA. Not sure though......
Am I understanding correctly that one of the mounting screws is twisted off? With the remainder remaining in the threads? It would be best if the remaining part of the screw was in a hole that went completely through. However, it sounds like it may have bottomed out when initially installed.
That's a spot of bother.
I'd recommend a smith do the work. Jim Hall is in your neck of the woods. His cards are at Ski's.
It should be about a 10 minute job. but it may ultimately require redrilling to a larger size. Don't know.
Hang in there, you'll get it....
Sorry I didn't really answer any of your questions earlier, but now I have some time so I will describe.
It appears that it is a blind hole...at least the front hole on the front mount is. I assume the back one will be as well as it would come out in one of the lug recesses.
When I tried to turn each screw in the mounts and rings I didn't get any play until I got to the alleged screw. It turned like it wasn't tight so I thought I would back everything out (only had three mount screws left to do) and reset everything with loc tite. It backed out just fine and felt normal. It wasn't until I looked at the hole that the light went on...I thought there is no way that little amount of threading is going to do anything...then I looked at the screw...sure enough sheared off with the bottom part still in the receiver.
As far as this causing my accuracy problems...what is your honest opinion? If the front screw was tight, and both screws in the back mount were tight am I going to get that much play to throw my groups around like they have been?
Haven't heard good or bad about Jim Hall's work. How is it? I think I would like to get the action and recoil lug bedded while he has it. Is that where you would send it, or do you have other suggestions?