25-06 AI cartridge dimensions


Well-Known Member
Jan 7, 2014
Central Montana
Does anyone have a cartridge diagram with all case dimensions for a 25-06 AI? (40 deg) Quick load has a case length of 2.496" but my 2x fired brass is only 2.475". I also cannot get the shoulder bumped back more than .0005" when full length resizing so I think my gunsmith chambered it to minimum dimensions. Any help is much appreciated!
Yes, give me a few minutes... I sketched one up based on my .25-06 AI fire-formed cases, but I have to reboot into Windows to retrieve the schematic.

Also, your brass will be short if you use .25-06 Rem brass. To get full length proper brass, you need to use .270 win brass. As for bumping shoulders, I have no idea, I neck-size only.
.25-06 Remington Ackley Improved 40°.jpg
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