243 to 7mm08

6.5 Bandit

Well-Known Member
Mar 2, 2003
Elizabethville Pa
Hey all got a quick question.. I have a ton of old 243 brass.. Now i no you should be able to take that to 7mm08 without to many problems.. The question i have is this.. When i run the 243 brass through my 708 FL die it seems rather hard almost like i really have to force it.. When i look at the neck some of them are slanted and the next one will be preaty flat.. Is that normal? Also i have noticed that the expander left groves in the inside of the case as well... When i run regular 708 brass everything is nice and smooth in the inside and i have no croked necks as well? Any suggestions? Also i have a question on case legth normal 7mm08 has a case length of 2.035 or real close and the 243 is only at 2.012 or close to that.. Is that gonna be to short or after the fireform will i gain a few? Thanks for the help..

6.5 Bandit
Don't worry about the bent necks. It can't be avoided the way you are doing it. Just fireform the brass and it will straighten out. The new Lee expander rods might make this process easier - tapered.

Another easier way is to fireform the cases is using Cream of Wheat. Prime the 243 cases, use about 12gr of pistol powder (HP 38, work up) with Cream of Wheat to the base of the neck, add a small piece of paper towel to keep everything in the case, fire in your rifle. What will emerge is a perfectly formed case. Size as normal. You may want to anneal the necks after you do this if splits start to happen after a few firings.

This method assumes that the 243 cases headspace properly in the 7-08 chamber. If 243 cases are too short, you will need to form a false shoulder in the necks - expand then size down. At which point, your expander die approach will work just as well.


Thanks for the feedback.. I ended up oullin them through the 7 FL die then loaded them with some light loads and it blew the cases out just fine.. Thanks again..

6.5 Bandit
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