Hello everyone I'm new to this form but not new to shooting. I have a Anshutz's 1416 that was handed down to me by my father that he got from my grandfather. It's by far the best shooting gun I own an I Love It!! I put a Center Point 4-16x40 el-cheapo scope that will track better than some of my higher end scopes. I have been groundhog hunting for a long time and I've shot more than my fare share of these pest. I use the CCI Velocitor rounds zeroed at 50yds for groundhogs because there Very accurate and Extremely Deadly. I've seen these rounds blow nickel size holes through groundhogs at 50 yards. An I have done test on them out to 175 yards on old turkeys that where thawed out and they go right through. So today I tried the unthinkable 200+ yards on a groundhog with 1 shot! The range was 205 yards by my range finder I used the ballistic program I have on my phone to give me the right amount of elevation. Put the cross hairs on the neck an squeezed. I could see the vapor trail through the scope as the bullet Hit its Mark Dead On!!! The thing just dropped I could actually hear the bullet Hit!! When I got to it there was a small hole in the neck and a good bit of blood. I felt around on the neck and there was No bones left. Upon recovering the bullet I realized something. There was NO Bullet left it had fragmented an all I found where small bits of lead and bone. I went back to the program and this is what it said for that distance. Zero at 50 yards 205yards= BD -36.84", 69 clicks, 923fps, 76 ft-lbs, time to target .56sec. One more Dead Goundhog. I knew I could place the shot in the right spot I just wanted to see if I could kill it from there.*image.jpg picture by Smokenrt - Photobucket