22-250AI or 22 creed


Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2014
Central Missouri
So, given that the 22-250AI can be easily done and chambered, why would one bother with another round that does the same thing but with proprietary components? I'm looking to do a hot 224 for when my 260 dies. I'd like to run the 95gr SMK for long range low recoil. With a .600 G1 bc, I can't over look it.

So, when the 22-250AI will run the same speeds as the 22 creed, with much easier to find brass, barrels and dies, why would I want to go creed?
So, given that the 22-250AI can be easily done and chambered, why would one bother with another round that does the same thing but with proprietary components? I'm looking to do a hot 224 for when my 260 dies. I'd like to run the 95gr SMK for long range low recoil. With a .600 G1 bc, I can't over look it.

So, when the 22-250AI will run the same speeds as the 22 creed, with much easier to find brass, barrels and dies, why would I want to go creed?
Really the only reason would be not having to fire form. My dad built a 22-250 AI with a 7 twist shilen. Currently the barrel is back to shilen(again) as we can't get anything below moa. He says if he could he'd rather the 22 creed just because he doesn't like fire forming. If it was me, I'd stick with the 22-250 AI. It should have a slight edge over the 22 creed. Brass is everywhere. Initial load development with rl-26 yealded 3550 with a 75 grain eld.
Hey, I'm all for the 22-243, I'm just wondering why everything stamped with the Creedmoor label automatically is better and faster than everything else. I really want to be able to run a hot .22cal in matches instead of a 110gr 6mm or 140gr 6.5. I guess I like to try things the hard way.

It seems like you can get the same or better results with a tried and true caliber "wildcat" rather than jumping on the supporter bandwagon.
I have shot 22-250 Ammo in my 22Creedmoor and I would be surprised if the 22-250 AI has the same capacity that the 22CM has. It blows the walls of the case and the shoulder out. I admit I have not ran the 22-250 AI with heavies but my friends who do report velocity's well below the speeds of the 22 Creedmoor. I just run 6.5 Lapua brass thru my 22CM FL Whidden die and load so it doesn't get much easier than that..... no fire forming required.
Did you get sick of fire forming?
Yup - The small gain in case capacity wasn't worth the trouble of forming or the extra barrel wear. I shoot an 8 twist which works well for 50-80gr bullets but now that 90gr bullets are available a 7 twist may be a consideration. However, high muzzle velocity combined with a very fast twist tends to rip bullet jackets apart.
My favorite load launched a 75gr (moly) A-Max bullet at 3,670 ft/sec from my 22-243AI.
Yup - The small gain in case capacity wasn't worth the trouble of forming or the extra barrel wear. I shoot an 8 twist which works well for 50-80gr bullets but now that 90gr bullets are available a 7 twist may be a consideration. However, high muzzle velocity combined with a very fast twist tends to rip bullet jackets apart.
My favorite load launched a 75gr (moly) A-Max bullet at 3,670 ft/sec from my 22-243AI.
I think that is kind of the path that leads to the 22 Creedmore. I was thinking of a 22-243 Ackley myself, but if you don't want to fire form then that also eliminates the 22-250 Ackley. Nothing against a standard 22-243, but I bet they stretch brass pretty bad with the long shallow shoulder. 22 Creedmore starts to make sense in this case...
I'm not afraid of fire forming, and the consistency that it leads to once you're done. I like the idea of good solid practice with the first 100 or so rounds. Also gives the chance for the barrel to settle in nicely and be ready to roll with more consistency once the AI rounds start to get loaded. I'm really looking for a dual purpose hot rod 22 but also one that'll push the 95smk to around 3200fps. With what I want to shoot in, the speed limit is 3200, so going any higher doesn't make any sense, at least with the heavy comp rounds.
I'm in the market for a .224 "Fast Twist Whizz-Bang" round myself. Not looking to scream at 3500+ fps, but a solid 3300ish+ fps with 75gr./80gr. pills in a 22" to 24" barrel. . .basically a walking varminter rifle. If at all possible I would like to stay away from fire forming (have 3 rigs now that I do so for), so press neck sizing is a plus and I want something with easy to find brass with available dies. I'm also partial to a long neck (that's what is steering me away from the 22-250AI), so something in the .280" to .300" neck length is in the mix, with some shoulders to help with the case trimming ordeal. From the research I've done all things seem to gravitate towards the 22 Creedmoor. . .I just haven't been able to locate a definite neck length. Do you guys happen to know this? And how about the talk of running loaded 22-250 brass in the chamber and fire forming, is that basically what the 22 CM is, because that would have too short of a neck for my taste.
morning, I have 2 22-250AI's. I never look back. 1 shoots 55gr. Barnes
TTSX's and 1 shoots 77gr. Sierra SMK's. excellent accuracy. Fed.match primers.
Ramshot TAC. Winchester brass neck size-trim when necessary. very good killers
deer, hogs, and coyotes. hogs shoot behind the ear!! squeal blood mist!!
My 22-250 is getting tired. When it dies I'm doing a fast twist 22-250 Ackley Improved. Fire forming is not bad & you can hunt with fire form loads. Once you fire form the cases last better as you don't get the case stretch as bad.
Thanks, Kirk
I just wish there was a little load data for the new 95smk so I could get a handle on what to expect. Looking for 3200 with that bullet, so I'm not sure what I'll need. I'm hoping that since the 22-250AI will push a 75 into the mid to high 3k's, that it'll do 3200 with the 95.
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