Do you guys hear what your saying? Stay within this distance, head shot/broadside only, in the hands of an experienced shooter... Why are you trying to use the bare minimum?... Honestly I'm tired of this whole discussion what bullet works best for what situation. I shoot 1 bullet for all situations without fail! And it's overkill but I never question is it enough. I wouldn't shoot a 22-250 at anything bigger than a coyote. I've seen to many people use it to deer hunt and I won't hunt with them anymore. I even ran across a person that wounded a moose with a 22-250 and me and my friend had to track it down and kill it. Now, I know zero about whitetail I live in western Wyoming but I would never use a 60 gr. Bullet to hunt mule deer or elk. Why would you limit yourself to a pre-determined distance or broadside side shot. Why not go that little bit extra and make sure you have enough gun for every situation. I know this will probably end up on page 14 of this thread and not many people will see it, but how many people are continually using bullets for there unintended purposes? but telling me not to deviate from the min and max loads for a given caliber. Match and most hybrid bullets aren't made for hunting but people are still using them. I guess the what I'm trying to say is use ten times what you need and you'll always win. Half *Rule 4 Violation* it and you get what you get and don't throw a fit!!!