

Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2008
Bismarck, ND
Going to build a 22-243 here shortly and looking for some input. I would really like to shoot the 90gr. berger VLD's but concered that if i go with a 7" twist barrel and cant get the bergers to shoot out of there i will be over stabalizing an 80gr. berger or a 80gr. amax. This simple reason is making me think i should maybe go with a 243 AI just really love the idea of the 22-243. Another question, about how fast do you think i can push the 90gr. vld out of a 22-243? I was thinking it would be around 3300fps. Any input on the 22-243 would be great. Thanks
I have had a couple 22-243s now, all with an 8 twist, all shot the 75gr Amax. My current one is a 27" 8 twist Kreiger and I'm getting right at 3500fps with it. The performance is awesome and this is one of those cartridges that I will always have. I have found no reason to try he heavier bullets for what I do, but I'm sure they work just fine.
I shoot the 90gr vlds with h1000 out of my broughton 8 twist 22-243 at around 3350. 1/2" groups at 200yds all day long.
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