Well-Known Member
Im not sure why one would want to shoot two brands of bullets out of the same gun. If a 210 berger shoots well out of a gun then im sure the animal wont know the difference between an A-max and a berger.... and if your looking at different bullets weights,,,, berger has 185, 190 and 210's... the BC on bergers is better and if a guy shoots the same combo all the drop data stays the same weather its deer season , elk season bear season or what have you....keep in mind the other factors such as elevation and temp.. for me its just ease of use. One chart, one turret, less chance for error. Im for sure that a 210 berger out of a RUM at close range will kill any north american animal shot broad side in lungs. I know of stories about bergers and penetration, but i have not seen it. I cant say what an A-max will do because i dont see the need to try them. not yet. just my 2 cents...