2024 Alberta Whitetail

Thanks all! Some responses…
Shot him in the prairie zone, with lots of cattle and farming about 2 hours southeast of Edmonton. Great area for big whitetail, mule deer, and elk. Been hunting this area for about 25 years. Lots of heavy bush integrated along with rolling fields….Perfect hunting, regardless of the range you prefer to shoot. I'm predominately a whitetail stand hunter, usually setting up 300-500 yards from a cover area. Put in 30+ hours on stand where I shot this buck. The rut was full on with lots of whitetail movement. Good for seeing lots of deer, but difficult for getting a clean shot. Had a couple of ten pointers with similarly sized frames in the area….and, this buck, which I thought was a 9 or 10 point because of the deceiving, long brow tines. The big guys rarely show themselves in broad daylight, and give you enough time to look them over. He eventually made his mistake… chasing a doe into the field are about a half hour after shooting light, which gave me a 300 yard trotting shot that double lunged him, which folded him in his tracks. I used my +15 year "pet" Cooper 6.5x284N with a 142gr JLK that I was fully expanded at about 40% retained weight under his hide on the opposite side. I was very pleased with this buck…Through all these years we haven't seen a typical, mature 8 pointer in this area over 150"
Some more photos: the view from my stand, also, filled my mule deer tag….Same area/rifle, same hunting method, last hour, last day of the hunt…..443 yards, DRT shoulder shot.
I hunt 2 hours northeast of Edmonton, got a big 8 this year. Weather was terrible ( hot) but was able to get a decent one. Has 22" inside spread, probably will score in mid 140's. Everyone should give it a try once!!! Beautiful country and great people. Just wish the governments did make it so hard traveling for hunting! Congrats on your deer!!


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