2022 Hunting season and intro post!

I moved over from SP forum…

Dedicated handgun hunter, retired May 2022 from my day job as owner of Bayside Custom Gunworks. Now my life revolves around….. hunting, fishing, and shooting….every day is a Saturday!

2022 season…

Big game season has come to a close for my household. This season success in the field came almost too easy with an animal a day hitting the ground. My main focus this year was getting the wife to accomplish some firsts. She got her first mule deer and first bull. She really wanted a revolver critter but terrain/conditions just didn't allow it. She took all of her animals with a xp100 in 6.5-284.

It was great getting to hunt all over the state of Wyoming this year. From the mountains, desert, and the prairie. And after 40 miles of packing out my bull I'm grateful for the ability to access my wife's two elk with the 4 wheeler.

I was fortunate enough to have the chance to take a new handgun hunter (not my wife) into the field some to start showing them/teaching them about hunting the west completely DIY. Also had the privilege of taking some vets out to tag animals.

Now onto small game with a 22 and ice fishing!

Revolver shots were around 40 yards

Xp was from 250-400 ish

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