2015 WY Antelope Father Son

Is killing all you think about sonny boy, LOL?! The sooner you learn that it isn't the more fun you might have outdoors! I'm glad you put that PM up for everyone to see how infantile you are and it shows your lack of smarts! Furthermore, if you still think the guy has great odds when only 2 tags are issued, you need to go back to school and take some remedial math along with some common sense classes! The only bully and person that is full of bull on here is you and I'm not taking anything to PMs with you so you can continue your personal attacks, which you have already done out here on this thread in violation of website rules! It just so happens that I have also killed enough stuff in my 61 "old man" years of hunting that I could give a rip if I ever shoot another thing in my life. That's my choice and it's none of your **** business what I shoot or choose not to do! The help I give others has a lot to do with what they shoot with my preseason scouting and glassing help while hunting with them on tags they draw. I could have easily shot this bull or B&C antelope buck while sitting next to my buddies that drew the tags. I could also have shot that "little" mulie, but was after the big buck he was running with and let a friend shoot him because it was bigger than anything he had shot in his life, so sue me! I also don't do illegal things like you said you do right out on that one thread regarding your shooting out the truck window at coyotes from the highway. Don't go away mad, just go away!


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I might be a flatlander from MI, but I hunt in Wyoming every year

Really? How? You don't even put in for the draw. You just tag along with your buddy from Sheridan and have him take your picture with the stuff that he shoots.

Edit: I could have shot Mike's bull had I been with him and had a tag.
Really? You don't even put in for the draw at all. You just tag along with your buddy from Sheridan and have him take your picture with the stuff that he shoots.

How in the hell do you know what draws I do or don't put in for?! I've also only posted one picture ever out on the net of me with an animal that someone else shot and that was the 357 3/8" bull I helped my Sheridan buddy shoot in 2010. The only reason I did that is because it was the best photo we had of that monster bull. Also, FYI I have friends in Gillette, Worland, Cody, TenSleep, and Utah that I hunt with every year out there who also know a lot about the state of Wyoming and that I get good information from. I've also locked in a guided horseback hunt for a big mulie down in Region G with my 6PPs for 2015 because at my age I can't do that type of hunt on a DIY any more, so sue me for that too! After that is done I'll then be helping all those friends again out there the entire month of October, so what's your problem? I've drawn 3 tags for antelope bucks since 2003 in the unit I like and killed two in the mid to upper 70s and the last of the 3 in 2013 was right at 80". That's the end of shooting bucks myself because I don't need to shot anything more than does for meat and help others for the fun of it, so sue me for that too! It just so happens that it's my choice to not post pictures of stuff much on the net because at this stage in my life I don't really need a lot of "attaboys"!
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Dance fight...gun)

Yep, and over absolutely nothing other than a person trying to help a guy in need take his Dad on a hunt with the best chance of success when they have no PPs! I'll get it done with the OP in our PMs so as not to have to put up with any more of this garbage out on the thread!!!
Man what a great computer fight, Wow.

I really enjoyed the heck outta of it.

Now shake hands, smile and laugh, cause life is short lived and we're dead for a long long time boys.
Man what a great computer fight, Wow.

I really enjoyed the heck outta of it.

Now shake hands, smile and laugh, cause life is short lived and we're dead for a long long time boys.
Man what a great computer fight, Wow.

I really enjoyed the heck outta of it.

Now shake hands, smile and laugh, cause life is short lived and we're dead for a long long time boys.

So why bring this "dead thread" up after it died well over a month ago? It looks like it's just to up your post count seeing as you made the same post twice in less than 20 minutes, LOL!
lol, big hands on a cell phone is not easy. What's also not easy is spending all your time on a website like someone people.

Oh btw, post here never die
I guess I would have to say that if you had the time to come on here and then go back and bring up a thread that's been dead for 5 weeks that you're the one who should be questioning yourself as to time spent on the web!
Sometimes they should be allowed to die and buried deep to keep the stench down. Easy answer is to buy a leftover tag. Usually low tags means low number of animals so chances of success for quality goes up but success rates go down as harder to find them.
Warning! This thread is more than 10 years ago old.
It's likely that no further discussion is required, in which case we recommend starting a new thread. If however you feel your response is required you can still do so.