2008 Montana Whitetail mount


Official LRH Sponsor
Jun 12, 2004
Fort Shaw, Montana
Well, Picked up my 08 whitetail from the taxidermist (Dan Clarke, owner of Aspen Grove Taxidermy). Turned out very nice as all of his mounts do.


This is about how the buck was staring at me at 507 yards when he took a 240 gr SMK through the throat patch from my 300 AX.


What this buck gave up in eye guards, he made up for in main beam length and tine length. He is one of my larger framed whitetails.


Another view. Not my highest scoring whitetails by far but he will fit right in on the whitetail wall with his 7 other brothers on the wall!!!

With this buck I have finally made the 900 club.

Just thought I would share.
The 900 yard club was set up I believe by Dick Idol and David Morris ( I may be wrong on the originiators). It basically takes the score of a hunters 6 best whitetail bucks, adds them together and if your total score breaks 900", you are in the club.

From my understanding, it was thought up to seperate those that occasionally kill big whitetails from those that consistantly kill big whitetails. I heard Dick Idol talking about the club one time and his comments were that anyone can get lucky and kill a Booner but there is no luck involved in killing 6 whitetails that average 150" in B&C score.

Deer have to be free range wild whitetail.

You can run a search under "900 club, whitetail deer" and some information will come up.

Its certainly easier to get into the 900 club out west here or in Canada but its still a difficult thing to do. I have been aggressively trying for this club for the last 10 years. I have heard it generally takes an average of 17 years to get qualified for this club. IF that is true, I have been very fortunate.

I have 8 whitetails that would make the group in different combinations. Here are my largest 6 whitetails to date from oldest to latest:


151" B&C 5x5, Montana


145" B&C 4x4, Montana


152" B&C 5x5, Montana


160" B&C 5x5 Alberta, Canada


161" B&C 4x7, Idaho


144" B&C 4x4, Montana

Total: 913"

To be honest, my personal goal has always been 950" in my best 6 bucks. Have a ways to go for that as they all have to average around 158" but someday it will happen. Good start though.
Congratulations Kirby:) On the last buck and on the 900 club!!!
Awesome bucks all of them.
And being consistent and successful as you have been, just shows you are serious about the sport, and very dedicated.

Great example of how thing should be done, for young hunters like me.
Thanks for sharing.
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Nice, Kirby. Congratulations!
According to my calculations, for my 6 best bucks to make the 900 club it will take my 5 best plus one more that only needs to score 315". It could happen....
**** right it could happen, thats why we keep going out hunting, for that one in a million chance.

Can't kill a big buck from your living room so ya got to keep going out!!!
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