Thanks for your observations rfurman24. I too found that I can push 40g and 39gr bullets in the .204 Ruger with a 26 inch barrel, just as fast as in the .20 BR. I will get hold of Black Hole and purchase some of their bullets. Reloader 17 was a winner for me with the 55 gr Berger. I tried VV N-550 (my second choice), IMR 4451 and from Alliant 2000MR and Reloader 16. I am curious about the Black Hole bullets. What can you say about them?
I shoot 55's in a 9tw with zero problems out to 500 yards at 3750Fps in a 20 BRAI using RL15.
In my opinion you gotta have a BR or 250 type case to take advantage of the 55's longe range capability.