2 position or 3 position safety

what is your preferred type of safety?

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Always some bear maulings in Alaska every bear season. Commonly some mauling deaths. Just as sure as the sun comes up in the morning, and sets in the evening.

I've always been jealous that you get to hunt in Grizzly country. Seems like it would just add another element of adventure to the hunt and make it more wild. Colorado is pretty tame in comparison.
I would hunt in Alaska with a round in the chamber too!
We have those things here. I prefer to hunt where they are not. Particularly since they have not been hunted here since the 60's. They come to rifle shots like a dinner bell.

I also think that bears living in proximity to humans which aren't hunted (no hunting season) are the more dangerous bears. I'd rather be unarmed in the wilds, in many ways, than unarmed in a national park where the bears are only hunted after they've mauled and killed someone. BUT, I'm normally armed to the gills in either setting! ;)
I also think that bears living in proximity to humans which aren't hunted (no hunting season) are the more dangerous bears. I'd rather be unarmed in the wilds, in many ways, than unarmed in a national park where the bears are only hunted after they've mauled and killed someone. BUT, I'm normally armed to the gills in either setting! ;)
Kind of running off track but, do your bears come to gun shots looking for a meal?

Kind of running off track but, do your bears come to gun shots looking for a meal?

Only one time, if they come to my gun shot.:D
Predominantly that happens where there's a high density of game and hunters. In Alaska, that's blacktail deer hunting on Kodiak Island. But I've heard stories of it with deer hunters on the Islands in Prince William Sound and in Southeast Alaska too.
I think it requires both abundant game density and hunters for the bears to learn that response.
Don't hear much of it outside deer hunters hunting where there's brown bears.
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I've always been jealous that you get to hunt in Grizzly country. Seems like it would just add another element of adventure to the hunt and make it more wild.
It adds another element of suspense, always imagined - sometimes realized, to the hunts.

It takes a good long while for most to comfortably cope with it while overnighting in tents. I've camped with guys terrified that voles scurrying around and under the tent in the dark were killer brown bear. It doesn't end until I get up with the flashlight and expose myself to a potential vole mauling. But the voles have also alarmed me in the past. So I understand.
A member contacted me and asked if I would start a poll on this. Thia question comes from another thread talking about a perceived problem with the Ruger American safety allowing the bolt to open while a round is chambered causing unwanted bolt opening while being carried.

So what are your thoughts on safetys and their function?

I have been a 3 position fan for a very long time. I struggle with most other types, even tang safeties on shotguns.
I am just comfortable with the design and it is what I am used to, I guess.
I really like the safety in position 3 where the bolt and firing pin is locked up, I carry my rifle in this position with a chambered round, this goes against most peoples thinking, BUT I do not RELY on this of course. I have had the situation where chambering a round spooked the game and I was unadble to get the shot.

I once hunted with a buddy that was closing the bolt on a CHAMBERED ROUND and was easing the firing pin down on the round.
I was mortified that he was doing that and carrying a round in the chamber with the firing pin resting against a loaded round.
I showed him the firing pin indent on the round and told him that a jolt could possibly fire that round.

I do NOT carry any other type of rifle with a 2 position safety in this manner, however I do close the bolt on an empty chamber with these.

I like the idea of the 3 position safety but I don't like the location on most of them. I like tang safeties just because I have short fat fingers and it's easier to slide a tang safety forward than for me to reach a 3 position safety on a bolt shroud.

That said, I never use the third position on any of the safeties. In a lifetime of still hunting in thick brush here in a Western WA I've never had my bolt accidentally open.
The Ruger 77 and single shots are the safeties that've been shoved over to the fire position while hunting more than the others, in my personal hunting experiences and those of others hunting with me. I'm talking unintended shifts in safety position by tree / alder branches, etc...
The 3-position safety is the one that's never made it to the fire position while backpack hiking & hunting. Had a 3-position get to the middle position once, but never to the fire position.
Safeties moving from safe to fire is much more apt to happen when the rifle is hung by shoulder strap on the side of a backpack, or off a shoulder. Don't ever recall it happening while carrying a rifle shotgun style in my arm.
I've hunted by my lonesome many times in years gone by, and more apt to carry one in the chamber then. That's how those experiences were accrued.
I do prefer the 3 position tang safeties over the Winchester bolt shroud style. Easier to manipulate but that's really splitting hairs. I have yet to find an action that has all the features I like on it.
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