1st production APS Raptor receiver is here!!!!

Let me know when production starts. My safe is too full now and I only have room for one more gun.(Hint, hint, hurry those vendors up on my 338AM) But by the time production starts maybe a new safe will be around, if I can find somewhere to hide it from the wife. Any ideas where to hide a gun safe the size of a vending machine?
Eddybo you can hide it at my house :D

Kirby that is one realy nice looking action and glad to see its only slightly heavier than the Rem action.
I'd like to see one in an action and cycle the bolt a few times , at first glance that short rear bolt race had me worried than maybe it would allow it to bind but I guess that if its built right their won't be any trouble with that.

Any idea on what kind of wait theirs gonna be from the company building them??

Why would you ever need to work the bolt fast???:D I will give a full report soon on its performance. When I get more receivers in I am hoping to send a couple out to some preferred smiths to have them build on them and tell me what they think.

I am told that I will be able to get receivers within a month of placing the order. Do I believe this, well, I hope this will be the case but I will believe it when it happens...... Time will tell, they said they will get them to me fast. They also told me that it would be better to order in larger lot numbers. So 10 receivers at a time would be about right. Say I have 7 for customers to order, I may just add three more to have them in stock for those customers on the fringes I will try to keep them in stock. We will see how that works out.

Kirby Allen(50)
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