1st DIY stock paint job

Do you mind sharing the procedure? I'd like to do this to one of my stocks. Thanks

Awesome job by the way

Its really easy . Just start with a base coat of your choice, cover the whole stock . Get a large sponge and tear 4 pieces out of it . I used 4 colors , you can use as many or as few as you like.

Once the base coat is dry , grab your sponge ! Simply spray some paint onto a paper plate until it forms a small puddle. Dab the sponge in the paint and press the sponge onto the stock lightly . Apply as much as you like. Start with the darkest color and end with the lightest color , using a different piece of sponge for each color .

Once it's all dry to the touch apply several coats of matte clear to help with durability.
Little tip for you guys, don't be afraid of the local craft stores for stock painting supplies! All the patterns, templates and materials are available there
I like it. I think I'm going to redo my stock this winter after season while it's slow, I like the small sponge marks. My first one I used large sponge marks like manners does, and pushed a little too hard so it looks more like blobs then sponge marks.

This is the type of sponge I used , once you tear a chunk out it leaves a very unique pattern. Much different than the other sponge jobs I've seen .
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