180gn Nosler Partition load IMR4350 for 30-06 XBOLT please


Dec 3, 2010
exeter,devon, uk
As above, i have a Browning XBOLT 30-06, 22'' barrel 1 in 10 twist, currently i use a Sierra game king 165 grain with IMR4350 57 grains and i great some great groups.
I am reloading some fire formed Federal brass and CCI Large rifle primers.
I am hoping to come over to MT later this year, various people have stated i should dispense with the Sierra and use the 180 grain nosler partition
The only powder i use is IMR4350, so could you suggest a load please?
Many thanks
The Hodgdon web site gives data for a 180 grains Sierra bullet and IMR-4350 powder. They start at 53.0 grains and list a max of 56.5 grains. I am sure you can use this data to develop a load for your gun.

The Nolser Reloading Manual #6 gives specific data for the 180 grain Nosler Partition and IMR-4350. They list 52.5 gains as the starting load and the same 56.5 grains as the max.. I hope this is specific enough for you to use.

Sorry, after I posted this I took another look at the data and found that I gave you the loading data for the Ackley Improved 30-06 instead of the 30-06 Springfield. The regular 30-06 data is this: 51.0 starting load, Max 55.0. Not a great deal difference but it is enough to note.
As above, i have a Browning XBOLT 30-06, 22'' barrel 1 in 10 twist, currently i use a Sierra game king 165 grain with IMR4350 57 grains and i great some great groups.
I am reloading some fire formed Federal brass and CCI Large rifle primers.
I am hoping to come over to MT later this year, various people have stated i should dispense with the Sierra and use the 180 grain nosler partition
The only powder i use is IMR4350, so could you suggest a load please?
Many thanks

Richard, I had great luck with IMR-4350 with 165gr AB/Partition in my 30-06 when I moved up to 180gr partition I tried IMR-4350 and H-4350. I settled on H-4350 start load is 52gr max 57.5gr with the 180gr Partition that the load I use in one of my elk rifle. Both loads shot good I got just little better velocity with H-4350 I used Lapua brass and Fed 210 primers. Well good luck
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