Shoot some of them in the 6XC. Rich Malcholz (sorry about butchering his last name, if it's spelled wrong) shot a 3.4" group last week at the Iowa 1000 yard BR match with them out of a 6-284.
I will try them in a 243 Ackley in a week or two.
Gotta have a super fast twist for them in a XC, the 243 might get away with an 8 twist but not sure.
Hey Chris, Looks like my .243ai is gonna come out of a schneider 26" 1 in 7.5 /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cool.gif fruits of a long patient wait :BTW Congrats on the knot tying, may God bless your marriage . /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blush.gif Oops , hope I did'nt spill the beans!Anyway , New Mexico is beautiful anytime of year. God bless you both ,Jim