10mm handgun

You better keep all your apex predators on your side of the divide, hate for you to run out. There's plenty over here. Theres an occasional griz in WY range and sometimes wolves are seen around Big Piney or Boulder out in the desert. Once you get closer to the Hoback they're common. Tons of Griz in Gros Ventre and north end of Winds. There aren't as many encounters as by Cody though.
I've heard grizzlies have been spotted on the west side in the Wyoming and Salt River Range. I'm surprised it has taken so long. The wolves don't surprise me though. I'm guessing you you can shoot anytime and no tag where you are. It's terrible what happened to the deer and lope there 😕 I think the Game and Fish should of done emergency feed instead of just hoping the weather would eventually let up. I don't buy their excuses.
Ok, but then the folding 8.6BLK with 300gr pills can help. I now understand your thought process. 😉
Realistically down there I'd like to have something relatively close. Probably in the truck or something. Now I know last time I was down there that wasn't the case just because I flew with my bow and don't really want to spend the extra money on another checked bag.
Ok, we all know that when it comes to dangerous game... (Bears), especially big ones up close, that caliber makes a difference in many people's minds, as well as the model of weapon, ammunition, bullet construction, even how you wear the weapon and so on.
Here's my pick for one, if not, the most important part of it, "accuracy"… I know we have red dots, and many different optics to pick from, along with fiber and tritium, and then there are the traditional iron with or without brass beads and inserts, but… what it really come down to is lead where it belongs on target, and the amount needed to stop the attack.
So, my point; I think "instinctive shooting" plays a good part in winning the battle for survival in these cases, don't get me wrong a well-placed shot is always preferred, but… realistically that's not always possible in manny types of an attacks.
Many years ago I spent time with Jim Gregg in the '70s who I considered one of the best instinctive shooters, even to this day, everything was point should and lower, he had a fantastic course, later I had a chance to work with Bob Munden, another exceptional instinctive shooter, you could lay their instinctive shooter overlays on top of each other.
Rob Leatham, who I met and had a chance to shoot with, pretty much agrees with the aforementioned, for the most part, sights are great, but... If you want too win, get the pointy part pointed at the target and work on trigger control and instincts target acquisition.
The case I'm trying to make, is that, if you are going to get the best number of shots off and well placed taking a good sight picture might not be the best avenue to take at a close range distances where Mr. Bear is bearing down on you in fourth gear and we all know you can't miss fast enough to hit the target… I know, not everyone can master instinctive shooting or wants to for that matter, and it is a diminishing skill that you have to work with regularly… In that case, perhaps a "really" well placed shot with that first shot, using sight acquisition may be the only shot you get to make… good luck! Just my 0.2 Cheers
I started my 10mm journey with a G40mos, I wanted that gun for a number of years before I took the plung. I quickly found out that glocks point like hot garbage in my hands. I didn't give up though. I bought a Lone wolf Alfa wolf lower receiver for it with the 1911ish grip angle and that helped a lot, but I still couldn't fall in love with it. I ended selling the g40 and got a Fn 510. So far I have about 400 rounds through it and couldn't be happier. In my limited experience I would definitely recommend the Fn if you can't point a Glock.
I'm happy with my S&W 4.6". It has the best grip angle and is a natural pointer in my hands. 200 grain Hornady HAPs and XTPs shoot very accurately in the pistol. I've settled on AA9 powder with the 200 grain bullets. Starline brass and CCI 300 primers. 11.9 grains = 1094 fps, ES 19 fps, 7.1 SD, 12.1 grains = 1156 fps, ES 25 fps, 9.6 SD, and 12.5 grains = 1175 fps, ES 25 fps, SD 9.5 fps. All loads shot comfortably and was easy to control with rapid re-engagements. Only the 1911 has a better grip angle IMO, but I wanted something lighter to carry.