Most of the herds here In Western Montana have taken a real beating as well. Most of the elk herds are on Private grounds that cannot be accessed. The few that remain on public land have to deal with several hundred thousand residents and a considerable number of non residents as well on top of the wolves. We went from being a great place to elk hunt to your lucky if you see a legal bull during hunting season on public ground. I couldn't agree with you more on the kid concept. The country is already a mess can't even imagine it in another 10-20 years.It's sad to see the destruction taking place around the world. The reintroduction of wolves in Colorado this year will be the death of the largest elk heard here in the US. It only took ten years in Yellowstone for a 90% reduction. I'll give it probably five years, and the OTC tags in CO will be a thing of the past and us as a community, are going to sit and let the extreme left slowly take away what we all love. If I had it to do all over again, I would have never had children and saved them from this ridiculous woke culture we've allowed to happen.