104 Pound Coyote

I'll believe it when:

  1. It is confirmed that the DNA test was done by an independent laboratory and
  2. That the confirmation was conducted by the lab as a normally performed test
  3. not as an after hours, 'on the side' test by 'one of the techs' who needed some experience.
  4. etc.
The pic is not sufficiently comprehensive to show that the animal is a scaled up yote. There are some features that beg explanation.

  • ears
  • eyes
  • muzzle
  • canines
  • general shape of mouth.
My knee jirk observations.:)
That looks like a wolf pup. Face looks just like a wolf. I have a real hard time believing there are 104 pound coyotes out there. Though maybe this is the chupacabra.
My thought exactly. I was born and raised in southern Iowa about 150 miles from where this thing was killed. I remember once a good friend of mine killed a female that weighed over 90 pounds. The DNR told us the same story. Big yote. Of course we also were told there were NO big cats in Iowa. That is until one of my friends shot one.:rolleyes:

My dog fluffy is missing and that looks like it, please return the collar!

We need the name and phone number of that independent lab - could be useful for future information in case anybody in Mt., Wy. or Idaho needs their services.
We need the name and phone number of that independent lab - could be useful for future information in case anybody in Mt., Wy. or Idaho needs their services.

don't forget Wisconsin:)


heads too big, tails too small, legs too long, and the ears are too rounded, way out of proportion for a yote. but not his big uncle.
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I've trapped some big freaking coyotes along the front of the Bob Marshal that wouldn't have broke 75lbs, one of the biggest dogs I trapped literally filled a large wood stretcher that I would normally have 10in of room for tacking out the tail.

One thing about coyotes is they all look like coyotes and that don't look like one, ears wrong, coloration wrong, front paws wrong, face wrong, leg length wrong, a coyote that weight should look like a fall bear not a lean mean long legged machine, but I'll go with it I guess I'll start shooting all the coyotes that look like that here :D:D:D
**** !!! I may start varmint hunting with my 338.

It looks like a wolf to me also .

I wonder if wolfs and coyotes can inter breed. Stranger things have happened.

I agee with all. In my limited experience with coyotes and wolves.........."A rose by any other name would smell as sweet"......JohnnyK.
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