Been looking at the Zeiss V4 and V6 also. Have an older "USA Assembled" Conquest that has worked flawlessly.
I noticed this Youtube vid from TiborasaurusRex. He had a discussion with Zeiss -- Seems the V6 uses the same turret system as the extremely reliable S@B scopes. They are actually made in the same factory AND have Schott through and through. Here's the review. Pretty interesting...
I'm interested in the V6 also. As an engineer with a strong background in math, unless I'm drunk, turning the magnification from 18x down to 14x as stated in the video, will NOT change the angular spacing between the reticle hash marks from 2moa to 5moa. The power would have to be turned down to about 7.2X. 18/7.2 = 2.5.
2moa (@ 18X) x 2.5 = 5 moa (@ 7.2X)
Maybe a math quiz can double check my calculation, because I did just consume two bottles of Blue Moon. Makes me wonder how much of the rest of the info in that video can be trusted...
Turning the power down to 14X on would change the angular spacing between the hash marks to 2.57 moa.