Have you looked at the Maven lineup? I have their rangefinder and really like it https://mavenbuilt.com/collections/binoculars
agree, I have the range finding binos HD 5000, will never carry both ever again. Now the new ones have Ballistics built in, they just want more of my money.It's really hard to beat what vortex is putting down. The warranty really is a thing of its own, especially still during these times.
Razors have really good clarity and brightness. Further more what puts them in that top glass category is the color is pretty good.
10x42 are definitely a good way to go. I use 10x50s. Helps with exit pupil, and I think gives an edge in low light.
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I have recommended TRACT bino's more times than I can count. The glass is so good and the bino's will leave you with some money left over. I had SWARO EL's and sold them because the TRACT's are that good. You would not be disappointed and will be amazed. I was and I never looked back. Schott Glass.