While we're on this subject of name changing like Ft. Bragg and yes it is still Ft Bragg to me as well.
The US Army officially renamed Louisiana's Fort Polk to Fort Johnson, "why"... who got so butt-hurt over it, "so bad", that it just had to be changed?
I understand that Ft Polk was named after Confederate Gen. Leonidas Polk, I did my BCT, AIT, and Leadership school there, but ...I didn't really care about it, it was a name I had never thought about I just wanted to get through it all, as for Sgt. William Henry Johnson, a black World War I soldier who was awarded the Medal of Honor... don't get me wrong I think Sgt Johnson was a hell of a soldier, but... this wasn't done because of that, and it wasn't done for the right reason(s)... it was done out of wokeness, and everyone knows it, there are a lot of Medal of Honor recipients in the US Army... so why wasn't it named Ft. Murphy after Lt. Audie Murphy? Let's not be naive, we all know it was a statement.
I have no problem with the Fort being named after a true war hero like Sgt Johnson, they just need to be honest about the why. Didn't we just see this run its course through the nation's monuments? We all know the political reason for that, wokeness, progressivism, and counter-American agenda, there is always some woke misguided moron(s) who just has to stir the pot from time to time.
This isn't a rant, I'm just trying to illuminate the terrain we find ourselves deployed in these days. The good news is; We have a new Sheriff in town, God Bless America! Cheers