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For Sale Brass for sale #2


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2014
Rapid City, South Dakota
The winter clean out continues. All brass has been full length sized and cleaned.

25-06 Remington 2X fired W-W headstamp 50ct and 20ct, 70ct total $45 shipped
6.5-284 Norma 2X fired 65ct Lapua headstamp, 112ct Nosler headstamp, 177ct total $100 shipped
300 SAUM 1X fired R-P headstamp 50ct $50 shipped
1# 12oz of 40 S&W brass mixed headstamp not cleaned $15 shipped

Will deal/combine on multiple lot purchases. Prefer PPF&F, Zelle, check(hold til clear), or money order. USPS via Pirateship for shipping and tracking. I have an ad up for new brass also. Thanks for looking!!
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