Delist the Griz? Nope…

There have been severall Grizzlies shot here in Idaho the last few years, some were mistaken identity (Black Bear) but most were in self defense or defense of livestock. There also don't appear to be a shortage of wolves. The Idaho F&G were managing the wolves successfully until this past year. Either for political reasons or pressure from environmental groups the US F&W stepped in and got a liberal judge in Boise signing a bill to ban the early trapping season on wolves because they were afraid of someone trapping a Grizzly. This eliminated the trapping of wolves in September, October, and November when it was easier for trappers to get around especially in remote areas. They now have to trap in December, January, and February, the hardest months to trap (in my opinion), I am not sure about March. All because of the Grizzlies. No wonder in some areas the philosophy is SSS, shoot, shovel, and shut up.
On a normal year 40 to 45 grizzlies are killed by autos, trouble bears shot by G&F, hunters protecting themselves, etc. This 53 were killed in Wy., Mt. and Id.. that should tell you something about them. FWS wants to kill 40 of them in Green River Valley north of Rock Sptings because of the amount of cattle killed up in the summer grazing area.
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I think, at minimum, the Rs need to legislatively delist the wolves and Grizzlies.
Unfortunately, the problem is so much deeper that, realistically, the ESA just needs to go.
I believe the wolves are delisted and under states control. You can shoot on sight with no tag if not on Nat. Forest. Need tag if are. A limit in different areas. After quota it's shut down in that area. You may know all that.
They want them everywhere,yet there isn't the habitat or travel zones to do so.In 1975 they said there where 150.In MT,ID,WYO,they say there's 1700.NWMT where I live 1000.73 killed in Great Yellowstone in 2024,and they don't think there's enough.
They need to move them into the Sierra Nev. Like Big Bear lake, Arrowhead, and Yosemite and other National Parks up and down the Sierra. I keep suggesting that, but nobody seem to want to do that. Doesn't the lefty want everybody to share and share alike?
The other is Dumb Bast**d Biden just put a stop to that last night.
Totally agree with Mike Matteson! Bring the wolves and Grizzers back to all the ranges in California. Plenty of deer, livestock, and people to keep the predators fed. We'll see how fast the libs will change their minds about trying to re-create a habitat that was altered irreversibly over 200 years ago. I love the truly wild places left in the US. Let's focus on keeping those truly wild. Pretending that large predators with no fear of humans coexisting with us in a modern world is a fantasy.
The anti's and sympathetic judges will hold it up in court for years just like they did with wolves if delisted . I'm hoping Trump and Burgum delist. I have a feeling they will all three states are red and Republican governor's. Maybe means nothing. Just saying 🤔
"But the grizzly bear/wolf were here first."

"True, but human population has never been as high as now which means you have taken too much of their habitat and we can no longer support large numbers of predators. So to help remedy the situation, why don't you call up Mr Elon Musk and plan you new life on Mars?"
I wasn't aware that they had wolves and grizzly bears on mars! Sign e up—I'm on my way.
Funny thing the choosing. I'm sure a lot of these big cities were once home to the grizz and wolves. Maybe they just need to go home again.
Lets work out the funding for some stock trailers. I think a bunch of Grizzly bears, Wolves and Cougars would be great in San Francisco and DC. I'm sure we could take some of our excess from here in Wyoming, Montana, Idaho and send them. I'm sure the liberal tree huggers there would really appreciate it if we could get some of the wild animals there to them. that way they wouldn't have to travel so far to visit them.
Looks like the Governor and Senator are gonna lean on the Trump admin over this issue and WY will join in. Don't be over-lookin' Trump rewarding WY for kickin that wacko Cheney to the curb. I wouldn't be surprised to see ol' Griz delisted, under authority of a revised analytic criteria, in a year or few. The new Secretary of Interior likely holds some substantial sway over issues such as this.

Call the new act to repeal the "Endangered Senators Act"?
I believe the wolves are delisted and under states control. You can shoot on sight with no tag if not on Nat. Forest. Need tag if are. A limit in different areas. After quota it's shut down in that area. You may know all that.
Only in Montana, Wyoming and Idaho. That was done Legislatively.
The Great Lakes Region, which has an "estimated" 4400 wolves is not open at all. A judge decided that since the wolves hadnt been recovered in their entire historical territories, they could not be delisted in ANY of the areas.
The Northern Rockies population had been delisted Legislatively and therefore not subject to the morons decision.
