Cheap and powerful trimmer, Lyman!


Well-Known Member
May 1, 2024
Atlanta, Georgia
Had to trim some 30-30 Win Brass to fit my 8.15x46R. The 30-30 brass is about a quarter inch too long after been resized. It took me 5 minutes to trim one by hand! So I have been looking for a power trimmer. Don't see anything under $300.

But found the Lyman trimmer has a power adapter and it works beautifully! I was able to trim 50 cases in less than ten minutes. About 10 seconds to trim each one. Stopping to measure and be sure they were all the same. They were!

Lyman Trimmer - Power adapter
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The Lee system works for small batches. If you only reload for a couple of different cartridges, and already have a cordless drill, it's probably the most economical way to get into power trimming.

That being said, check out the

Frankford arsenal case prep center.

I've spent way more than the cost of that thing on my case prep journey, would have saved a bunch of time and money had I just started there 👍
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Both of these are awesome for mostly factory cartridges.

The Lee Precision Case trimmer looks really good! BUT, I am loading obsolete cartridges that do not have the right rod through the case into the primer pocket. Also I have to cut down a 30-30 case by about 1/4 inch. Hard to hold with this.

8.15X46R Primarily were made between 1882 and 1920. European in German Target rifles. Don't even think about 9.3x74R made for early drilling firearms.

I may be buy one for a few for my factory cartridges. I really lean toward the Frankford.

Frankford Arsenal is also awesome, but it will only work with shouldered cartridges and many of my European are straight wall or only very minor shoulders.
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Had to trim some 30-30 Win Brass to fit my 8.15x46R. The 30-30 brass is about a quarter inch too long after been resized. It took me 5 minutes to trim one by hand! So I have been looking for a power trimmer. Don't see anything under $300.

But found the Lyman trimmer has a power adapter and it works beautifully! I was able to trim 50 cases in less than ten minutes. About 10 seconds to trim each one. Stopping to measure and be sure they were all the same. They were!

Lyman Trimmer - Power adapter
Lots of reviews on Trimmers.
I added a power trimmer adapter to my Lyman trimmer. I uses a drill or power screwdriver to turn the shaft. I use one for trimming 30-30 brass for my 30 Herrett. Give it a look.
EDIT- I didn't see the video on the power trimmer until I posted😴. I guess I was sleeping.
I feel your pain, I make and load for 22 savage and new brass very difficult to come by. Trimming necked down 30/30 cases a PITA.
To make a power case trim I modified a lee case trimmer length gage by getting a 22/250 one cut back at the shoulder where it threads into the cutter, also trimming the end of the thread by a similar amount, I think it was 0.300" but anyway a local machine shop did it for me wouldn't take payment so I gave them a £20 note for their coffee fund and it's worked perfectly since.
All you need is lee gage of the correct diameter and longer to effect the change. If you can't get the correct diameter go bigger and get the shop to machine it to the diameter you need.
The Lee system works for small batches. If you only reload for a couple of different cartridges, and already have a cordless drill, it's probably the most economical way to get into power trimming.

That being said, check out the

Frankford arsenal case prep center.

I've spent way more than the cost of that thing on my case prep journey, would have saved a bunch of time and money had I just started there 👍

I use the Frankford Arsenal one .
I've had it about 2 years now .
What a God send its been.
I likely don't load as much as some folks here but i average about 3,000 rounds per year.
Its easy to change between calibers and really does save lots of time .
In my case it was well worth the investment .
The Lee system works for small batches. If you only reload for a couple of different cartridges, and already have a cordless drill, it's probably the most economical way to get into power trimming.

That being said, check out the

Frankford arsenal case prep center.

I've spent way more than the cost of that thing on my case prep journey, would have saved a bunch of time and money had I just started there 👍

Had one for a number of flawlessly!

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