Lead poisoning from eating game shot with lead core bullets?

I almost forgot about this thread until I got a like, which prompted me. So, I am reviving this old thread because of a similar new thread.

@xsn10s, Brother, I believe some of your supporting sources on the other thread are reinforced here.

We all know the rules, especially the Golden Rule; enjoy!
I was doing dry fire practice the other day while participating in another koolaid thread. I got bigger fish to fry these days. I'll let people believe whatever they want. This is one of the few forums that people believe .............
Sorry, but you do not understand my position. It is obvious that you and I have differences in opinions, beliefs, and values. Having a peer-reviewed, accredited, and published empirical work has nothing to do with it as it does not make me any better to criticize another researcher's work. "IF" I have a problem with it, I would pick up where the researcher left off and fill the research gap and add to the knowledge base and for others to add or build upon for further or future research.

Sorry but my Academic Advisor (simply schedules my classes and provide advice as required about the program) has nothing to do with my research study and no that is not how the process work.

Sorry but that is not how the process works either. Once it is published, the researcher is not asking for meaningful feedback, as it is no longer needed. That is what a research gap does. There should be a recommendation for future studies that the next researcher has the opportunity to build upon and add to the knowledge base. Below is extracted from page138 of 156 of https://britishbirds.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/76818-OLS-Report-final.pdf#page=29 posted in #2.

View attachment 200203

There are studies that have more specific recommendations than the above.

@GunHawk and @DNADave eloquently covered the human aspect, peer-review and IRB, and the overall nature of a research study. As previously noted, my research study will go through multiple levels of review processes between the IRB and AQRs.

The bottom-line, again as previously noted, it is up to individuals to synthesize the information being presented and they have the ultimate responsibility for their decision(s) and the consequences associated with it. If they choose to use lead or copper bullet, not discard meat around the wound channel, etc., that is their right. As @Tulsa Reiner, noted ...

Research studies, in my opinion, serve as the main purpose to gather more money for the chosen subject, and for the team to use as they wish, to collect data which will prove they are correct.
I read, study, learn new words and processes, always good.
When my life shows the opposite, or close to, I tend to believe my eyes, body, ears, and brain. Damaged as it is.
I am sure, (opinion), that excessive, very large amounts of lead, either in the body, or ingested over a long period of time may cause damages to the human body. Some of the article seems to state that the lead must be ingested to get lead poisoning. Maybe too many of us with lead in our organs and muscles, with no ill side effects to use as uncontrovertible data.
I remember where the anti-hunting and gun haters were using the California Condor deaths, and reduced young as a tool to do their best to stop hunting and lead bullets. Lead bullets at that time, as the California Condors haunt the forested mountains, above the bird hunting areas.
It was very impressive.
Then it was found that DDT was the actual culprit. DDT was outlawed, in almost totality.
The antis mentioned above completely forget to update the public on the new and conclusive findings. They still did their best to continue the fight against lead pellets, bullets, and hunting.
Research studies, in my opinion, serve as the main purpose to gather more money for the chosen subject, and for the team to use as they wish, to collect data which will prove they are correct.
I read, study, learn new words and processes, always good.
When my life shows the opposite, or close to, I tend to believe my eyes, body, ears, and brain. Damaged as it is.
I am sure, (opinion), that excessive, very large amounts of lead, either in the body, or ingested over a long period of time may cause damages to the human body. Some of the article seems to state that the lead must be ingested to get lead poisoning. Maybe too many of us with lead in our organs and muscles, with no ill side effects to use as uncontrovertible data.
I remember where the anti-hunting and gun haters were using the California Condor deaths, and reduced young as a tool to do their best to stop hunting and lead bullets. Lead bullets at that time, as the California Condors haunt the forested mountains, above the bird hunting areas.
It was very impressive.
Then it was found that DDT was the actual culprit. DDT was outlawed, in almost totality.
The antis mentioned above completely forget to update the public on the new and conclusive findings. They still did their best to continue the fight against lead pellets, bullets, and hunting.
Research studies, in my opinion, serve as the main purpose to gather more money for the chosen subject, and for the team to use as they wish, to collect data which will prove they are correct.
I read, study, learn new words and processes, always good.
When my life shows the opposite, or close to, I tend to believe my eyes, body, ears, and brain. Damaged as it is.
I am sure, (opinion), that excessive, very large amounts of lead, either in the body, or ingested over a long period of time may cause damages to the human body. Some of the article seems to state that the lead must be ingested to get lead poisoning. Maybe too many of us with lead in our organs and muscles, with no ill side effects to use as uncontrovertible data.
I remember where the anti-hunting and gun haters were using the California Condor deaths, and reduced young as a tool to do their best to stop hunting and lead bullets. Lead bullets at that time, as the California Condors haunt the forested mountains, above the bird hunting areas.
It was very impressive.
Then it was found that DDT was the actual culprit. DDT was outlawed, in almost totality.
The antis mentioned above completely forget to update the public on the new and conclusive findings. They still did their best to continue the fight against lead pellets, bullets, and hunting.
Another interesting issue is that the lead ban in the Condor range started in 2008 (the California Department of Fish Game reports 95+% compliance) and15 years later guess what study has yet to be published; a comprehensive study of lead levels in Condor blood pre 2008 and post 2018 even after 10 years of the ban.
I really wish I knew how many thousands of lead headed tin nails I have had in my mouth over the years. It was what dad showed me to do to be quicker when we were putting tin on a roof. I ate my share of meat killed with rifle and shotgun also. Thinking back on it dad may not have had my best interest at heart. Just like when he would tell me the septic tank needed cleaning out. He would give me a pair of hip boots, a five gallon bucket, a rope, and tell me "When I get home that tank better be empty". I guarantee you it was.
I get bi annual labs done now for different doctors and neither the lead, nor the poop, seem to have caused any issues.
I cannot say the same for the many tanks of tobacco and cotton poison I sprayed from open cabbed high boys and tractors. But my job was to do as ordered. Not to question the order.
I really wish I knew how many thousands of lead headed tin nails I have had in my mouth over the years. It was what dad showed me to do to be quicker when we were putting tin on a roof. I ate my share of meat killed with rifle and shotgun also. Thinking back on it dad may not have had my best interest at heart. Just like when he would tell me the septic tank needed cleaning out. He would give me a pair of hip boots, a five gallon bucket, a rope, and tell me "When I get home that tank better be empty". I guarantee you it was.
I get bi annual labs done now for different doctors and neither the lead, nor the poop, seem to have caused any issues.
I cannot say the same for the many tanks of tobacco and cotton poison I sprayed from open cabbed high boys and tractors. But my job was to do as ordered. Not to question the order.
Are your labs checking for lead?
In all seriousness, I wonder if anyone has ever made bullets from substances heavier than lead. If it were technically feasible, I would love to try bullets with heavier than lead cores, like the alloy that Hevi-Shot is made of. Then you would have a non-toxic alternative to lead with ballistically superior characteristics.

But a box of ammo would cost about $180 probably:eek:

Oooops, I just remembered that Hevi-Shot is super hard to resist deformation. It would not expand if used in a bullet core, but it wouldn't fragment either. Danged ol' Physics! E always equals mc squared and all ya know. You just can't get ahead of it.
Tungsten. I hunt with these - https://drtammo.com/
Copper jacketed lead like performance. Non-toxic. Win win.
Touch over $1 a bullet, have to load them yourself. Not really any more expensive than an ABLR or most of the boutique copper bullets.
The anti-hunting groups like Peta & the HSUS have prmoted non-lead bullets because their normal anti-hunting jargon wasn't working! It fits into their agenda of making anything with which they disagree so expensive, fewer people will do it! They're also somewhat successful using this tact too when we see places like California outlawing all lead ammo and hunters buying into it.
I really wish I knew how many thousands of lead headed tin nails I have had in my mouth over the years. It was what dad showed me to do to be quicker when we were putting tin on a roof. I ate my share of meat killed with rifle and shotgun also. Thinking back on it dad may not have had my best interest at heart. Just like when he would tell me the septic tank needed cleaning out. He would give me a pair of hip boots, a five gallon bucket, a rope, and tell me "When I get home that tank better be empty". I guarantee you it was.
I get bi annual labs done now for different doctors and neither the lead, nor the poop, seem to have caused any issues.
I cannot say the same for the many tanks of tobacco and cotton poison I sprayed from open cabbed high boys and tractors. But my job was to do as ordered. Not to question the order.
Holding them in your mouth and eating them hardly compare