How may the temperature of the reloading room effect reloading?

I've reloaded in 95 degrees and 94.2% humidity and 20 degrees. I couldn't see a difference, but I will say a climate controlled area was a dream come true when I moved my stuff, but again, I didn't see a noticeable difference.
Good idea, but not so in Louisiana.
No basements down here, you'd need a sump pump to keep the seepage from ground water pressure out!
Yep... will seep through the smallest voids of 6" solid concrete walls.
My basement has a sump pump, but I never needed it. My house is split level, and my garage and the basement are the same level, so I guess it is not an actual basement like you guys have.
I have an old grain elevator that was set in a 6x8 wide 7 feet deep concrete pit back in the early 70's and still in use today.
The sump pump kicks on a couple of times a day to take out 2-3" of water. If power goes out it will be half full in 24-48 hours.

Some areas are worse than others for this.
I'd say if anything could or would go south based on temperature(s) it might be... scale(s), due to expansion and contraction. Just a "SWAG" on my end. Cheers
When I was young and dumb (I'm still dumb,but young is water under the bridge) I got into IHMSA silhouette, my income was pretty small. I did all my reloading in my garage. It was detached and not heated. Winter is a great time for bullet casting,not so much fo lubing,but I found that a hair dryer would let the lube flow. Since in this part of the world all matches are in the warmer months,I would load all winter so I could shoot all summer. Never had any accuracy problems.

Now I have a loading room in the basement, 75° all year around, 30% humidity now and 40% in the summer. Eyes have gone to H3!! and body's shot, but I still enjoy burning powder.
"My" ideal operational temp is ~55F. I do not sweat much more than most, but humidity and static electricity are the two things I like to control.

ADDED: My main reloading area doubles as wine cellar. 😂
That's funny. I keep a couple bottles of wine and some 50 year old cognac in the closet with my gunpowder. That closet holds 45 to 55 degrees year round.