N570 in the cold

Following! Interesting that some powder increase in pressure with colder temps. I generally use H type powder. I haven't seen anything on the powder increasing chamber pressure until as of late. I have experience powder that really change in hot weather for sure. I'll have to watch a lot closer to info on powders changing and increasing pressure as the weather gets colder.
only shot n570 in my long COAL 270BEE, 35F+. pretty stable but WAY faster than any other i use.

guess if its 0F, i'm staying inside lol.

so far, that powder OWNS everything else i use with 150ABLR to 175 grain pills. just saying.

i really wish i used it before now. retumbo is great, but second tier compared to n570 in my HOT freebored 270 bee.
2 things to keep in mind, concerning these powders.

Both are so slow burning that they thrive being compressed or close to some degree, usually. And we know what other benefits higher load density promote.

The bulk density number is different, so assuming a spike occurs the lower energy. N568 would theoretically have a milder spike I'd assume? More temp stable perhaps.?

I haven't temp tested either for this but my extreme cold is usually +20F.
I guess another question would be has anyone checked their, "bug hole when I do my part" load at longer distances in subzero colder than 10 feet up a well digger's well casing to see if it is still, "drilling one hole?"

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