Duck hunter shot and killed in Spakleberry Swamp

My brother got shot in the face and head by a friend's Dad while we were out quail hunting. Luckily, he was on the other side of a thick bush, when my buddy's Dad shot at "something rustling" after we flushed a covey.

My brother was more scared our Mom would never let us go hunting again, so we kept it quiet. Popping about 15 #8 shot from his face and ears. Two pellets, we had to cut out with a razor knife. Could have been much worse.

I almost got my head blown off by the same buddy's cousin. Again, quail hunting (different trip), and his cousin had never shot a gun. It happened to be late dove season too, and we were shooting some doves in the evening flight. My buddy said his cousin could try shooting his shotgun. We were standing around BSing, and heard his cousin say "here comes one" as he was standing behind me. I turned as he was swinging...right in the path of my head. I ducked as he fired, which saved my life I am sure. I proceded to beat the $#!t out of him. Permanently lost about 60-70% of my hearing in my right ear.

We were banned from ever hunting with that family again.
A co worker of mine I hunted with some was the president of a dog hunting club in the SC Lowcountry. He invited their preacher to come hunt with him. The dogs ran a doe across the road and my co worker left the truck with the preacher in it and went in the woods to catch the dogs coming to the road. The preacher thought he saw a deer and shot my coworker that was about 30 yards in the woods. 5 00 buckshot hit him in the side. They flew him out from a nearby crossroads. He coded a couple times on the flight but they got him back and got him to the hospital. Miraculously he survived.

I grew up hunting with dogs with my Pappy. That was the way it was done and I knew very few people that deer hunted with a rifle. Pappy called those people Buzzard hunters because they sat in trees waiting for something to come out. I have always been very careful about who I hunted with and particularly about who was on the stand next to me If it was someone I didn't trust I just left and took a back stand somewhere or sat that drive out. I won't share a duck blind with just anyone either.
As an instructor I see some alarming things. Particularly from guys that have supposedly hunted their entire life. I would much rather teach a newcomer than someone like that. There are some folks that you simply can't teach or tell anything.
Duck hunting with lead buckshot?? Hmmmmm, green jeans might have an issue with having lead in your possession while waterfowl hunting. Insert the tss comments here. This was just a foolish shoot by over zealous and inexperienced duck shooters (not hunters) that ended in a tragedy that will affect each of them the rest of their lives.
Duck hunting with lead buckshot?? Hmmmmm, green jeans might have an issue with having lead in your possession while waterfowl hunting. Insert the tss comments here. This was just a foolish shoot by over zealous and inexperienced duck shooters (not hunters) that ended in a tragedy that will affect each of them the rest of their lives.
Pretty sure he was actually shot with steel shot but there is an investigation going on and details are very slow coming in., The Duck Commander show inspired a whole lot of inexperienced duck shooters to get involved in the sport and call themselves duck hunters. It's sky buster central nowadays. Most couldn't decoy a dog with a biscuit.
Pretty sure he was actually shot with steel shot but there is an investigation going on and details are very slow coming in., The Duck Commander show inspired a whole lot of inexperienced duck shooters to get involved in the sport and call themselves duck hunters. It's sky buster central nowadays. Most couldn't decoy a dog with a biscuit.
I was replying to the ones talking about carrying buckshot into the duck blind. You are 110% correct about duck commander, there was one hunt they shot a deer out of the duck blind with a rifle, if I remember correctly.
May this young man rest in peace! Condolences to his family and loved ones. Proof we can all be a little more careful and thankful this Christmas. Lives can be changed permanently in a matter of a seconds. Do your best to keep yourselves safe!
I was replying to the ones talking about carrying buckshot into the duck blind. You are 110% correct about duck commander, there was one hunt they shot a deer out of the duck blind with a rifle, if I remember correctly.
Oh, Gotcha. I have a fair
amount of respect for Phil Robertson. He's done quite well. But that show has put quite a damper on one of my favorite pastimes.
I thought it was Elmer Keith.... but i can't find the source.

The guy wrote about many hunting partners killing each other.

The phrase was something about " the blur"

Guys would shoot at movement and sound very commonly.

Pheasant hunting.... or any upland game hunting... i will not hunt with new people. Have had too many birds get up between guys and start shooting as they spin around and fan everyone.....eff that
I thought it was Elmer Keith.... but i can't find the source.

The guy wrote about many hunting partners killing each other.

The phrase was something about " the blur"

Guys would shoot at movement and sound very commonly.

Pheasant hunting.... or any upland game hunting... i will not hunt with new people. Have had too many birds get up between guys and start shooting as they spin around and fan everyone.....eff that
My "Pappy" was shot in the face by a nephew at 20 yards on a covey flush under the conditions you describe. The prescription safety glasses he wore because he worked for the railroad saved his eyes. His forehead was full of 7.5 pellets till the day he died. He would only quail hunt with me (I started quail hunting with him at age 12, deer at 5) or one of my uncles after that.
Yes. When I first started hunting in NJ around 1965 buckshot was the only ammo allowed for deer! Since then laws have changed & rifled slugs are the norm there.
Slugs are generally not allowed on dog drives here. The law allows them but most hunting clubs do not.
Lots of folks don't realize how far buckshot can travel and kill someone. It's more effective at close ranges of course but 00 and 000 buck can and has killed people out to around 200 yards. A local guy was hit by a copper plated 00 pellet in the stomach and it stopped under the skin of his back. He survived. The pellet had skipped up off of the rock road. DNR measured the distance. 176 yards

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