Jail Time!!!

This is a good thing to bring up when you are talking to people who think it is no big deal to skirt hunting regulations. I learned to pay attention to following the regulations at an early age when a friend's brother and buddies were arrested by hunting on a baited dove field. They forfeited their shotguns, licenses, and one of them actually had their truck impounded.
I don't understand why they fine more based on the size. Poaching is poaching, the fine should be the same weather it's a doe or a world record buck.
I spent many years in environmental court. Species, size and numbers of animals/fish/birds will greatly influence the penalties. The term "species of special significance" was often used by prosecutors. The illegal killing of a moose, a mouse or a sparrow all call for different penalties.
Here is the poached one from my area. Everything hasn't unfolded yet and details are slim. Hope to know more later.


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I don't understand why they fine more based on the size. Poaching is poaching, the fine should be the same weather it's a doe or a world record buck.
I used to feel the same way until I knew someone that poached to feed his family. He was only shooting rabbits, but it was still poaching. He was between jobs in a bad economy. Someone who kills a trophy and abandons the meat should get a stiffer penalty.
I tend to agree within reason.
In the old West "Horse thieving" was punishable by hanging. It didn't matter if you stole a colt, mare, gelding, or stud, the punishment was the same. In carrying out the sentence, it didn't matter if a new or old rope was used, the result was the same. If you don't want someone to commit a crime the "deterrent" should be enough to make them at the very least consider the consequences. It shouldn't be a "Loophole" for a defense lawyer to pick apart. That's how I feel about that. People have free choice here, but everyone is accountable for the choices they make.
1 season there were 4 or 5 bucks found dead in my wheat fields. They had to be trophy hunting as all were small with racks still on them. The warden had possible vehicle info that was used, but still unsure if anyone was caught? Best guess none were due to not informing me? On another instance my mother and I were just getting to the city limits when she hit a good sized buck. The deer was found dead (as we and another group of people didn't know where it went) with the head cut off. The person/people were found and had to release it. I mean, it was dead and not like anyone shot it!
I don't understand why they fine more based on the size. Poaching is poaching, the fine should be the same weather it's a doe or a world record buck.

Economically having larger deer on the landscape can encourage non-resident hunters to visit. It is worth more to the state than a spike or fork horn.

As a set of horns it is also worth more to a hunter whether resident or non-resident. There is money to be made selling the antlers, making replicas, or displaying them for profit. Not to mention if there are gigs to be had at sporting shows.

I personally value meat over horn.
Near me about a year or two ago.There was a string of whitetail bucks shot.Im near small ag land with large whiptail pop.Ill see 50 driving to town 5 miles, but 2 hunting all day in woods.3 bucks shot, mile from my place.Many shot and left,didnt even get the horns.I forget how many deer but it was on the warden show and think it was over ten, maybe pushing 20.Was a real ****er.Some big mature bucks that grow on these private mom and pop farms.They finally caught them
Did everyone read the article. He trespassed at night and shot the bucks with a spotlight. I'm surprised anyone feels sorry for him.
The reasoning behind "trophy " penalty laws is because unfortunately people will go to extremes to shoot a large buck, the bigger the further some people will go. Think how much a guide could charge to hunt this size buck...in addition, he destroyed evidence and committed numerous other violations, he got what was coming to him. Ps. Don't forget the second illegal buck he kill!

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