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300 WM S bushing & mandrel brass issue


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2020
Having an issue with S bushing followed by mandrel sizing of the brass. It's a 300 win mag Redding S due & 21 Century mandrel die. It's Noslser fired brass. In the past I've had success with the S bushing .332 or .333 and the..3055 or .3070 mandrel. For some reason I get mixed results... A simple test I do is to take the case and insert the bullet to see if it's tight and about 40% of the cases the bullet just slides in the whole way with no resistance. I can't figure out what step I should take to get a better consistent result. Any advice would be appreciated. Hopefully I've given enough detail. Thanks
4 firings...brass looks fine...I unfortunately don't have a annealer so I haven't done that step...I have look at purchasing one but the one I want is expensive.☹️
I'm betting your brass needs annealed pretty badly. You might be able to milk another firing out of it by using your smallest bushing (.332) and not running a mandrel or using the .3055 if you really want to mandrel it. Can you feel a difference case to case with the amount of pressure it's taking to run the mandrel into them?
Thank you for your insight! I'll try the smallest bushing and see what happens. I don't get any resistance when I use the mandrel...it's like it is not touching the case at all. I would like to get the AMP but they are lots of bucks...looked at 2.0 Brass annealer & Anneal eez but not sure how good they are.
There are lots of options for annealing. Salt bath is relatively cheap. If you have a drill, a socket, and a torch, you could try to annealing a couple of cases and see if that takes care of the issue.

Otherwise, in the meantime, try your smallest bushing and no or your smallest mandrel.
I made the mistake of not annealing for a long time and chased issues. Don't do it. For under $30 you could could easily eliminate the lack of annealing as your issue. Heck, even if you have a neighbor that's handy, you could even borrow the stuff. Don't not anneal waiting on a fancy annealer. I'll concede that the Amp is the best, but I reload for over 40 cartridges, some being comp rifles, amd I've never been able to justify the expense of the AMP. The torch approach, automated or not does a pretty good job.

Reach out if you need any help getting going.
I'm North of the 49th and there are four or five places that custom anneal with the AMP, you may have to sacrifice a piece. The guys up here seem to be pretty reasonable on what they charge. So, there should be someone down your way that does it.
Thanks for all the input by everyone. Just another question - what a annealer would you recommend to purchase? I know the AMP is top of the but I can't bring myself to spend $1,600 just to anneal some brass... So any other recommendations?
Thank you so much for your input I appreciate it. I like the look of that bench source pricey but nowhere near as bad as the AMP got great reviews too Thanks again

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