New hunting suppressor input needed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2017
Hey everyone, I'm looking at getting a new hunting suppressor in the near future and was wondering if the ultra 5 is worth it? How good is the db reduction on a large 30 cal like a 300 PRC? Also looking at the Scythe and Nomad XC. Already own the Nomad LTi but want something a little shorter that's easier to use in an enclosed stand/blind. . I also own an ultra 7(gen 1) but that's only in .264. Any thoughts? Thanks!
Hey everyone, I'm looking at getting a new hunting suppressor in the near future and was wondering if the ultra 5 is worth it? How good is the db reduction on a large 30 cal like a 300 PRC? Also looking at the Scythe and Nomad XC. Already own the Nomad LTi but want something a little shorter that's easier to use in an enclosed stand/blind. . I also own an ultra 7(gen 1) but that's only in .264. Any thoughts? Thanks!
no chance I would opt for a 5" suppressor on a 300 PRC. Not worth it for me.
I'd give up 4" of barrel before I'd give up 2" of suppressor.
Hey everyone, I'm looking at getting a new hunting suppressor in the near future and was wondering if the ultra 5 is worth it? How good is the db reduction on a large 30 cal like a 300 PRC? Also looking at the Scythe and Nomad XC. Already own the Nomad LTi but want something a little shorter that's easier to use in an enclosed stand/blind. . I also own an ultra 7(gen 1) but that's only in .264. Any thoughts? Thanks!
I reference that info as well...but nothing about a suppressor on a long barreled, low recoiling match rifle translates to a 300 PRC hunting rifle in a blind. Two completely different uses. Might get lucky, but that's not the info I would personally be referencing for his requirement.
Friend of mine uses the Ultra 5 on a 300 WM and it's way better than nothing. Would not be my first choice unless length is your #1 priority.
no chance I would opt for a 5" suppressor on a 300 PRC. Not worth it for me.
I'd give up 4" of barrel before I'd give up 2" of suppressor.
Ok. Ya it has a 24" barrel. Add an 8.4" can to it and it's pretty long. Doable but awkward trying to stick that out of a small window in a fairly small stand.
If the 5 works pretty good I'd be for it. Wouldn't want to go more than 7" for sure. I'm guessing I'm going to end up with something between the 6-7" length. But that scythe does have my interest from what I've been seeing on YouTube and what not.
TBAC Magnus-S-CB or Nomad XC Ti are good choices. They may not be the quietest but they will definitely take the edge off. I use a TBAC Dominus on my 300 PRC (24" barrel) and it really does diminish the sharp report. The Dominus is discontinued and the TBAC Magnus-S-CB is its replacement.