When I was a kid growing up there was an abundance of bobwhite quail here in NE OK, and my dad always had two or three amazing dogs. He was hardcore, and could walk all day every day which meant as a young man I was never so glad as to when we could finally see the truck again. He was a great wing shot, and I never was, but there were so many birds even I could manage to bag a few. We'd get back to the house midday, clean the birds, and have a huge Thanksgiving meal, with our family, grandparents and other friends in the community not as fortunate as we were to have a father that worked so hard to provide for his family. After lunch we would generally watch the Dallas Cowboys; to say my dad was a fan was quite an understatement and then drive a mile or two from town to a draw or hill dad knew held a few coveys of birds, and top the day off with a short evening hunt. The birds are trying to make a comeback around here, I hope they make it. Deer hunting has replaced quail hunting for now, maybe always, but that's OK because I can actually hit a deer with a rifle, if I have a good rest lol. Thanksgiving nowadays is a morning hunt for whitetail, gathering someplace large, we're having at least 35 over for this Thanksgiving meal, and spending the afternoon with family and friends and enjoying each other's company, and telling stories of yesteryear. I had no idea my kids did all the crazy stuff they did. My oldest was forty yesterday, so they now feel safe to tell of all their shenanigans. The older I get, the more important family becomes, my heart goes out to those that don't have that luxury, and each year we open our celebration to as many such folks as possible. We still watch the Dallas Cowboys, I'm not sure why, but we have a day of good belly laughs for sure. We are people of faith so we always give God thanks for all He has done, we know the abundance of blessing we enjoy as a family, and even as nation are a result of His goodness. There was an old lady at a nursing home where our church held services once a month and she used to say thank God for God. When I first heard it, I thought it was kind of funny and childish, but over the years that simple statement has overwhelmed me at times with thanksgiving for a Creator that is so good, and so kind, in our pit of despair He sent His Only Son to buy us back with His sacrifice. Thank God for God!